Love to be a monarchist again
Love to be a monarchist again
Oh that guy! Well I guess you have to put ‘Ivanka’s husband’ in front of his name, he isn’t famous enough yet for me. I’m also Canadian so while the main politics of Trump admin affect my country, especially economically and the immigrant policy, the family drama Americans crave for is not cared for much up here. Lol…
when you said the headline was a mess you weren’t kidding. i don’t even know who jared or josh kushner is but damn could they not even try to condense that run on sentence of a headline?
Same. Well i don’t have kids but i am the oldest of a sister much younger than me, from what i remember when she was potty training is that pull-ups did nothing to stop her from pooping or peeing. I remember all of us asking her if she needs the bathroom, i distinctly remember telling her to use the bathroom even when…
oh yeah she is
I don’t know this show, don’t care about this show but all I have been hearing all day is ‘Vanessa’, a somewhat popular but still uncommon name,and it has been making me turn my head all fucking day thinking someone is calling my name. can this week be over yet?
when my class was learning about the holocaust, we all read ficitonal books written by jewish authors about a character or family enduring the holocaust. Books are far better than any idea to simulate the holocaust as an effective method of teaching the holocaust because books don’t lead to giggling.
Anything remotely scary I cannot watch. Today in class my teacher showed us a really well Nader Korean War film, very poignant, but I just was so anxious watching the entire thing. This is what I hate about myself becuase I am too scared to watch get out but I still want to see it.
Has everyone forgotten the controversy stem cells had with cancer research ? I understand where Biden is coming from though, the most painful part about cancer is that it can happen to anyone, regardless of circumstances.
deja vu
Yes! I second guessed myself while I wrote Rose. I went online to check and i was wrong! lol whatever
My entire head whiel reading this article was “ WTF IS THE PRICE!?”
that was probably it. i liked the piece though, no complaints on that.
The podcast host also made a point of stating that it was strange thing for Richard to gift his loyal employee a car but that doesn’t seem weird to me considering the circumstances of thier mutual dependent relationship. Besides the gift of a car doesn’t have to be seen through the confines of a employer and employee…
why did this jump as a suggested option with a date as old at 2011
your review is far more trustful than the one buzzfeed did a while back, which the text women, all assuringly emphasized how different thier period is I think, all agreed that this product was amazing and did not have much flaws. A product regarding periods with a kinda perfect score can only be regarded as…
Ballet Slippers was never a choice colour for me. However Lots Of Lux can fuck me up!
Very true plus everyone loves a Hollywood comeback success story. Look at Robert Downy Jr or Drew Barrymore. For obvious reasons, Mel Gibson isn’t included.
To me, I enjoyed the interview. I do not have the authority to say whether or not your mother should listen to it however I will say that you should listen to the interview yourself in order to make that call.