Chester the Dog

if you actually listened to the full interview and not snippets of quotes then you would probably not form your opinion that he is a dick. He seems self-aware of his own baggage and negative attributes, while a true dick would conceal himself in a smug sense of arrogance. My initial impression of Mellengcap was his is

Didn’t even know that was a thing on youtube, watching people open chocolate must be so thrilling lol. The toys use to be a lot better actually, a lot more assembly required which half the fun. When it started being figurines that didn’t need you to apply stickers to is when I started to lose interest.

The surprise is my mother actually buying them. Actually she loves giving us kinder eggs even in our teen and adult years.

Lol next she is going to ask for the giant kinder egg they make around Easter! It is quite fun but I only eat it for the toy now

were the kinder surprises worth it? I sound like i am patronizing but I am genuinely  curious because in my country I can buy a four pack of kinder eggs without fear of getting put in a cop car.


I just see him as the crazy guy on MadMen. Also Superstore is a stupid name partly because in my country it is the actual name of a popular grocery store chain. In fact I am going there tonight so there you go.... sorry.

Im 20 so I don’t feel old, but just out of touch.

I wonder how empowered the girls sewing together Crow’s clothes for ten cents an hour are? I know I would feel super empowered !

considering i pay 11 dollars for a ticket, which i bought to see hidden figures, 100 mill box office is about an almost ten million audience. If the american population is 330 mill, like only three percent of the population. these are rough figures- very rough.

Just listening for the first time, but as a long time reader of both Finger and Davies, it is so weird to hear your voice rather than read your words! Great so far!

Same! I was listening to an earlier podcast and I think before there was a Steven there was another guy, can remember his name. Love Steven though, he seems like a sweet guy.

honestly i don’t even remember this episode and it is a likely chance they don’t either lol. i can imagine Karen asking Georgia about her recollection of it and Georgia maybe having a slight memory but both are like still super impressed that they got mentioned in jezebel.

Oh shit i forgot his middle name! Steven cut that out please i don’t want anyone to know i forgot you middle name!

now kids are going to get the boy doll and make it have sex with thier other dolls. happened to me with barbies everyone, it was a phase and i still didn’t know exactly what sex was then. i haven’t learned since what sex is either

Steven Morris will most likely respond

Ask First nations peoples that question and from what I read it doesn’t seem like they would like him.

The children look well cared for, loved, fed, clothed, and sheltered. I am going to assume they also go to really good schools as well. I doubt the word poor will ever appear accurate in these kids reputation 

Predict how Trump’s term will go now

And soon after the divorce trap.