Chester the Dog

Howard asked that question too.

You have that cool angle of having ancestors in American history.

When you go to trace your ancestors you find records of birth and death but also relevant is writings. Writing for the most part is a privilege as those who were apart of the working class tended to go to school up until a certain point when they could maybe read and write or in fact just not go. It is not relevant to

I am always in the grey.

My sister is 13 now, so I guess she missed the mark in trying to be impressive for her age. However she has a chance at a childhood, while most kids in the business do not. I hope these children are happy, not overwhelmed, and going to school.

Yes I noticed that too, especially with my dad who was very energetic, hands on person who enjoyed playing with us on the playground. He didn’t come often but I am assuming that people might of thought he was odd for playing with his children lol. Most dads I have ever met are the most protective and caring people I

very good point. From the perspective of a young white woman, hanging out near a playground is not a stressful matter and people around you might assume that you have a child playing anyway. My problem with working out on a playground is that all the equipment is designed for a certain age range, typically small

Excellent article written by Taffy and an excellent analysis of the article Bobby. I read the whole thing and from it I saw a broken human, lonely and trying to figure himself out in any way possible even if that means going for walks and try to get . He reminds me of me which is the point of the article, but I am

if he can go back to his family tree and trace the life of his great-grandfather at most, then he is defiantly more than middle class. My family were literal peasants and orphans until like 50 years ago, even today we are still middle class. Education is power.

I love tuna too.

i mean where i live you just can’t ride an ATV, you really only find it in cottage country.

do you in kawartha lakes region ? i live around there and i see a lot of ATV riding in the grass by the highway

In my province, everyone who is not from Toronto rides them. I never really knew anyone but ever since I moved up north, it is a popular activity. I was close to saying to some guy telling me that he and his dad would ATV all the time when he was young, but I didn’t want to come off like a supreme asshole. But

I am a history major but I have had plenty of female professors who all in their own way put more of a focus on females role in history, female figures, and female perspective than the male professors have. I am not saying the male professors are sexist but they do not usually allow for female perspective. One prof I

That is amazing to hear! We have the Canadian version of these books and my sister is just as attached to these novels like you. It is how she learned about loyalists and the halifax explosion.

Still super relevant these books can still be to students. My sister reads the Canadian version of Dear America, each character is a female perspective of living through historical events. I love that she loves it because society has focused on girls to get into engineering, maths, and science ( i am not disrespecting

Every second of it was perfect and I am so glad she did it solo

My dinner and that is it. i don’t do football

the bread looks really really good! Bread is very difficult can be such a fun challenge especially if is a new recipe. The first time i made pizza dough it was a freaking pool of unkneaded dough. Now after making it for about 2 years, typically once a week when I am not at school, it comes natural.

so true