Chester the Dog

they look my dog !!! so cute i love a furry face!

Sounds like they are still better than people

Yeah in Canada no one wears shoes in the house. I like to think the winter weather could be a good reason but seriously no one wear shoes in the house. Even last year when i lived in a dorm which had gross carpet, i wore slippers and everyone else walked around barefoot. I can’t imagine wearing shoes in a house

How gross! Don’t you want to relax in your home? I don’t understand the American concept of wearing shoes instead your house, it is as odd as wearing a three piece suit in a bathtub.

Conversations about c at breeds never seem to happen as much as they do with dogs. I never knew cats had certain  breeds like dogs until three years ago.

You what else prevents a brain from working other than -100 water? Billions and Billions of dollars can really make a brain smug, arrogant, and funny.

I didn’t know who that was until i saw a name. photoshop is one hell of a drug

what i learned from the USA election is that feelings=facts. Vibes are just a funny way of saying feeling, vibes=feeling. Therefore vibes=facts.

my high school voted for their valedictorian so it was just a popularity contest amongst the smartest people. Boys typically were valedictorian than women at my school like 90/10 ratio not 50/50.I don’t think there has been a female valedictorian at my high school in like 7 years.

no thanks lol. cali already wants our water , isn’t that enough

i followed her on instagram and I’m like what is the hype over her she hardly posts and when she does it doesn’t at all seem personal. My advice is to follow Miley because Miley is real and doesn’t take herself to seriously on the app.

you might be right because even the suburban catholic church in my town did nothing for the refugees i believe. i come from rich town and so far no syrian families were sponsored by anyone. They are all so so so rich but when it comes to helping out a family from chaos they are quick to hide and line thier pockets

Cats are hilarious. However I fully agree with everything you said and can not agree more. Zoos and whatever you want to classify SeaWorld and Mainland as is all insinuations designed for humans, not animals. I would fully be happy if an elephant lived their longs days without interference from another human,

The creepiest statue i have ever been up close and personal with is Lucy Maud Montgomery at the church her husband worked at. It is one of those statues that sits on a bench and acts like a good old friend

I can already Karen’s voice narrate this story to Georgia with Georgia intermittently gasping.

It is what all unlikeable leaders do to get favour from his citizens. Our previous PM made “ family day” a day to celebrate family and you dont go to school or work. Trump’s holiday doesnt make any sense nor does it benefit anyone but himself.

Does anyone else find statues really creepy?

Im sorry but why is there so much symbolism and fucking sentiment attached to inauguration day like cutting a fucking cake with a sword with white gloves! In my country the PM just makes a speech and just starts work like we all do when we start a new job.

because mushrooms are blah

Im crying because I know the waterslides will never happen.