Chester the Dog

Why are you getting in a fight with the writer? She is paid to promote the product so of course she is not going to agree with your stance. This is a complete advertisement, not her own personal opinion.

Why are you getting in a fight with the writer? She is paid to promote the product so of course she is not going to

reminds me of the people who bought my parent’s house.

I just thought it was too much ass-eating. Like Anna would compliment the guest for like ten minutes and then the guest would in turn compliment Anna for another 10 minutes, both reassuring each other they are good at thier job and they are so great blah blah blah. All her podcast did was make me never want to visit

YES YES YES! She doesn’t know how to cook well but wanted to host Thanksgiving anyway. I can ask like five family members and we can all with great detail remember this thanksgiving because it was such a literal shit show.

she just needs to name cast members off SNL and she would of got it all white

you’re absolutely right- my mother ate it but she said she smelt something was off but she was sitting between two big sweaty men and she thought the smell came from them. My dad yelled at me actually because i loudly declared “ this turkey smells like poo!” but he also did not eat any and later apologized to me for

Have a safe drive all of you! Have fun!

Neil Patrick Harris doesn’t believe it either and he is an amateur magician!Some people are large skeptics in the matter of hypnotizing .  

Veep is worth watching and John Oliver too. “Girls” is okay too if you don’t mind shaking your head a lot.

Who else thought Jimmy Carter was the oldest living president? I did think that but it turns out George H W Bush is older by four months. In a year, both presidents will surpass the record for oldest president which is very impressive.

Probably. She might of cooked it low and slow but i dont know for sure.

It happend, made many family members very including my mother. The turkey was cooked from my memory and it smelt terrible, not delecious. It was poisened with salmonella for sure.

I was about ten when this happened but my youngest sister would of died if she ate any of the turkey my dad put on her plate.

She doesn’t cook well anyway so it wasn’t much of an eyeopening string of events

Endgame would be the Young Pope and Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour!

Warming drawers can very easily manifest bacteria like salmonella and my family learnt that the hard way. My aunt put a thawed turkey in a warming drawer overnight with the setting on low heat. She cooked it and whomever ate it was sick within 24 hours. The turkey smelt real bad, like shit, thankfully my nose stopped

My mother would say not many including her own sister i think lol

Fantastic and well-argued article. Jimmy Fallon is very endearing and approachable which can allow your stance to be controversial but also lifts a veil to the problem of white guilt. I thoroughly enjoyed it despite initial hesitance.

what’s with her and Canadians? Like not even our best Canadians either

Kinda wish I could hear you talk. Not to sound creepy, but Im kinda creepy because I find the Minnesota accent to be the most funniest accent in America. I would love to hear you say “ hockey” or “ Holy Moly”