
Thanks to the Kinja-ing, it’s pointless to comment on this article now that it’ll be buried under the star hierarchy (seriously, I don’t want to keep harping on it, but this move has absolutely decimated AVC), but oh well:

Before the Kinjapocalypse there would have been 1,000 posts on this review by now. Instead we have less than 75.

We knew from the moment we were told we’d be moving to Kinja that it would be a major overhaul. We knew we’d be trying to take a decade-plus of content—filed according to its own complex, not exactly modular organization system—and fit into someone else’s platform, then asking the administrators of that platform to

I’m trying my best here for you AVC, but damn this is one ugly layout. Can we put the old AVC site in the unused left portion of the screen?

Changing account passwords... Hah! What’s next? Automobiles?