
Aliens have already contacted thousands of Americans so probably millions of humans total.


My parents have a beach house on the Cape and we would go down there every summer for a few weeks when I was young. Actually we still go. Anyway my mom had ordered these really lovely little desserts for some get together she was having for her Cape friends and I think it benefited some charity or another or


Exactly and has it ever occurred to them that Bill cheated on Hillary too? Maybe that’s why there bond is so strong. I honestly believe that nothing is stronger than when abused women band together. I’m not surprised that Hillary is way out front and neither should anyone else be. She’s so goddamn strong.

No, it hasn’t. An industry like this will never improve its bad habits. We are just lucky that the internet is destroying it and that travel agencies are going away permenently, along with their sexist white male owners.

Ha I know. I got my picture taken at a Walgreen’s and they just like pulled down this weird background thing and the kid said smile. Before I knew it the picture was taken and I was just like “Ok, what happened here?” Then I looked at it when I got home... I had one eye shut. I went and got it retaken the next day.

It’s little things like this that everyone misses when they’re trying to witch hunt for emails? Like, seriously? Freakin’ emails? Come on now.

The State Dept is amazing to work with. A lot of people don’t really know the work that Hillary did making it easier to get passports. Fox News just wants to focus on BENGHAZAZIIIII!!!! but really she did some fascinating work at the State Dept and improved a lot of everyday processes. She’s very business-minded in