
Dearly beloved Canadians,

Can I ask a question?

Right on, Juan Pablo! We should be teaching our kids the the road to happiness begins with group dates, rose ceremonies, hot tubs, and multiple encounters in fantasy suites, all under the watchful eye of millions of television viewers. Because that is normal and not pervert.

Admit it, Jez. You were wrong.

We should let 13-year-old girls run things. Can you imagine if lawmakers had to explain some of the shit they're trying to do to women?

" what kind of a lonely fuck would use one of those?"Jesus. That's a bit harsh. I'm surprised at you Jezebel as you are usually very pro masturbation and against shaming people for pleasing their bodies.

He's not like a regular misogynist, he's a cool misogynist, right, Regina?

I honestly don't mind if he thinks abortion is "wrong." Ditto with politicians. What I have a problem with is making it illegal. There's a big difference there.

Wow. This is the first and probably only time I'm gonna say you fuckin' go Kanye.

So is their favorite show The Addams Family?

WEIB—White Endormorphic Inane Blowhard? he thinks the Liberals control the weather now?

I believe Rush has a bipolar vortex.

"People ask me if I believe in global warming. I just answer, Do you believe in gravity?" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

What have the people of Chicago have done to deserve looking at Rush Limbaugh naked?

I imagine at some point in the morning, before he brushes his teeth perhaps, that Rush looks at himself in the mirror and realizes what a monster he is. He then pops a couple oxys and goes on with his life.

I wish Rush Limbaugh was a liberal hoax.


The metric system America, it's useful and sensible and the rest of the planet uses it. Just a suggestion.