
Well, as long as the kids are "standing their ground" I'm sure it's legal.

Well, it's Florida, so I guess they won't strictly speaking be breaking any laws if they DO kill any kids.

At least she didn't release a pop song.

"Still, Leathers' actions are hurtful to people who did nothing wrong — like Weiner's wife and son — and therefore, if you believe that hurting people is wrong, flaunting those actions and causing collateral emotional damage in the process is immoral. Just because Anthony Weiner is a bigger jerk doesn't mean that

Weiner might be the biggest dick, but I don't have much respect for women who intentionally go after someone they know isn't available, let alone one who turns around and tries to spin it for money.

Uh, he could definitely win an election in Italy. He probably should move there and run, he'd be Prime Minister six terms in a row.

Are these people from Real Housewives of NJ? Stop giving us a bad name reality TV people!

Hmm, unless Florida's age of consent laws were somehow a loooot more lax in the mid-90s than they are today (doubtful), I'm pretty sure it should actually read "Lauren Silverman, the married woman pregnant with Simon Cowell's kid, was raped by an English teacher, who was in a position of trust and having sex with

*awkward whisper*

Not only will they graduate with only a slap on the wrist, but because they will be Yale grads they'll have access to the few good jobs left and take with them the lesson they learned in college that it's fine to treat women this way if you are successful in other parts of your life.

Not sure if that guy was the winner, but he did come first.

I cannot express how disappointed I am that this proposal did not begin or end with him shouting DJ KHALLLLLLED!

I expect babies find skin mags very confusing. Half the pictures will be all "Ack! I only just escaped from one of those and it was a harrowing experience!" the other half will be all "There's usually food in here but these taste of ink and paper!"

I think the NCAA is already on this one.

Coming in September, on Bravo: THE REAL TOOTH FAIRIES OF MIAMI.

Isn't it awesome how Tea Partiers and the Taliban both fear the New World Order? They should probably team up.

Sounds like his opponent will be able to secure a key endorsement...
