The story about his mom’s passing makes me so sad.
That’s what I thought too, ever since his mom.
People need to be organized against the fuckery this presidency will bring, but I wonder how effective these protests will be in the liberal zones where trump lost
I think something like a ‘small actions’ calendar could be helpful for some folks. Like, okay, not everyone can drop their business and protest at random times, but if you make a commitment to do one thing every 2 weeks or every month, like, “Every other sunday I will write a congressman, or donate, or go to a talk,…
Stop saying shit is meaningless. That’s why people sit at fucking home and don’t vote, or vote third party, or elect a hate-spewing racistmisogynisticpieceofshitasshole for our president.
That’s beautiful. Would you mind if I used and quoted you ( of course); you expressed everything I’m feeling so well.
Amazing! I donated to the NAACP after posting this. Heading over to NOW next.
Spent most of this morning alternating between numb shock and crying so hard I started dry heaving. Many in my office were openly weeping as well. I feel like the country I love so much has rejected me and everything I stand for. Contemplated moving away. Threw myself into my work, and avoided all news media the same…
I am so fucking sick of people on facebook being like “respect people regardless of what they voted and #notalltrumpsupporters are bigots”. We are talking about a candidate who ran on a platform of making society less PC, but his supporters can’t handle a few hurt feelings for being called out on their bigotry (or at…
2016 took Bowie, Rickman, Prince, this country, and however many other awesome people/things away from us. 2016 can eff right off.
Michigan only has 17.6% reporting. Wayne County hasn’t been counted yet.
Just from Supernatural alone, I think the show probably surpassed their expectations in terms of success. It was not meant to be as successful or as enduring it turned out to be. Don’t blame them for being grateful. Jensen knows how quickly a successful, even acclaimed show can easily be cancelled. He also knows how…
I read about Michael Bublé’s son yesterday and what killed me was the slew of texts that said “I’m not a fan, but...” or “I don’t like his music, but...”. Fuck off. Either say “wow, that’s sad” or don’t. Why does your dislike of the person or their work need to enter into it? Can’t you just express sympathy without…
I know it’s silly but I’ve been waiting to figure out what celebs are due around the same time as me (first week of March) so I can have a celeb kindred spirit who might also inspire me with maternity fashion. Ciara may not be super relatable, but I eagerly await the strappy bondagey satin “maternity” wear that she…
I think that’s probably how- I remember definitely thinking I should not be watching this.
I would not be mad at a remake starring Lindsay Lohan in the role she was born to play...
I first saw BVD when I was way too young, I must have been 13 or 14. I don’t even know how I saw it- because nobody I know is familiar with it family or otherwise. It introduced me to all things camp, exploitation, or B-movie, I hadn’t even heard of Faster Pussycat Kill Kill- and I also thankfully found Switchblade…
I saw this movie when I was a teenager, and I loved it so much that I vowed to learn how to dance like Baby did. And guess what? It took a couple of decades, but I've been taking Latin dance (salsa, merengue, bachata) for two years now, and it turns out that I'm really good at it. I highly recommend it for making a…