Pinkie Fisticuffs

Take another look. I ‘pivoted’ (not really, since it wasn’t some kind of about-face) from the word “shittyness” - itself kind of a flippant word - to Kanye. Kanye is shitty (in my humble).

KFC bowl then.


People have already covered the “Marilyn Manson is a festering sack of shit” angle, so I won’t add to that. But I’m also kind of mad at Jamie Bell that he made the move harder on Evan and Jack than it had to be. I get that he’s a working actor and likely needs to be in LA, but plenty of people with fewer means than he


“I would never associate with that weirdo!”


Kanye made it pretty fucking clear that him working with Manson was in response to Manson being “cancelled” for...being a serial abuser.

I had that song stuck in my head all morning, thanks for bringing it back to the foreground!

No, the soups are so good! And the breadsticks!

The estate of Charles Manson is suing Marilyn for damage to their good name.

Need I remind folks of the people defending The Donald’s egregious behaviour and their actions on His behalf? 

Her stunt double isn’t the one being threatened.

It’s not unusual, just look at the nightmare things said about and threats made against Christine Blasey Ford.

Finland, Finland, Finland...the country where I quite want to be going trekking or camping...or snack lunch in the hall...Finland, Finland, Finland...Finland has it all...

I find it alarming that fans of an alleged rapist would threaten that person’s victims, rather than question their devotion to someone. That Warner could be put away but Wood still remain at risk because some yahoo might try something is deeply distressing.

See as soon as we all read this article the comments section crashed because we all wanted to tear into that sack of shit for what he has done and what he said he would do.

I am basically a prison abolitionist and this guy will need serious therapy and psych evaluation before I say he goes free.

He’s like an Olive Garden Bottomless Bowl of Shittiness.

Is there no end to this guy’s shittyness?