Pinkie Fisticuffs

This is news coming out of the US, so you can safely assume that it’s awful. 

The job uniform involves a brown shirt.  

Well played!

See previous reply.




Is it ever the right time for a subpar comedy?  

Jet fuel can’t melt celluloid!  It was a false Flags Of Our Fathers operation!

We have medication for that now.  

That’s telling him, Statler, you old coot!

Make Home Alone 2 Great Again!

“Kind of the reverse, I was dumbfounded to learn My Mother the Car was a real television series after seeing it on Arrested Development.

I’m sure that Arthur Conan Doyle is surprised at the heights to which moving pictures have ascended . . . as long as you never showed him anything else.  

Perhaps because we often don’t pay much attention to things that are blindingly obvious?  

“...dude, that’s his wife”

That poor woman!  All that success, and she can’t afford a warmer shirt?!?

You’re welcome.

But just as I do with people I meet on the internet, I have no reason to believe I’m being lied to.”

No, you’re the first.  Your mother is very proud.