Michael Jones

Those police officers are lying. Another grievous day for us.

Let’s be clear here: They didn’t shoot him “because he had a cell phone.”

Take “like” out of your last sentence and you’re spot on.

The SacBee is already smearing him:

The fired at him 20 times. How many times did they hit him? I ask because relatively speaking, this is a lower pressure situation with a team of “trained” officers dealing one person and few to no other bystanders.

The thing that always gets me is the number of shots. Let’s say I actually believe this guy advanced at the cops with an unidentifiable object and they actually feared for their lives. Even if you’re trying to protect yourself there’s no need to shoot 20 times at one person. If you are unloading that many bullets at

They then held their position for about five minutes until more officers arrived before approaching Clark

“Isn’t it weird how all these shooting victims are always running away from the police (who have guns) when they suddenly change their minds and start charging toward the police officers (who have guns)?”