Pink Floyd Mayweather III

Seemed like a pretty obvious swipe at right wing white guys who get mad at media that doesn’t share their politics and critique it by saying it’s “too political”

If you follow Dan Harmons weekly podcast (ending soon sadly!) you know he DOES care about that shit and mentions being sick of fascists and gamergate pretty often, so it’s a pretty good observation.

rick and morty fans, everyone

Yeah, except there was a reason it was Fascist Morty shouting those things.

“Stop asking questions, stop doing metacommentary.”

yeah, you’re right, this is definitely not a world in which Gamer Gate is relevant at all anymore, gooooooood catch.

Wow, final words...

All publications should use ye olde English for maximum journalistic clout

Well jokes on you, I meant retard in the chemical agent sense!
L - O - L, I’m so sure. And I have some sand in the sahara to sell. Bye bye now, Dork One.

Mmhmm mister “lexicon is bunk” but “words are what you make them”. Have a good one, make better choices~

You have such strong failed stand-up comedian vibes

I dunno, June. Still fits someone who spends their time complaining about the pop culture that the pop culture blog covers. 

Sounds like a pre-baked rationale used to excuse yelling the ‘n’ word over the mic while playing Fortnite
Alternatively, people are 100% responsible for what they say as this isn’t death of the author for assholes

It’s wild to see what some Too Online dweebs consider riling someone up

I’m talking about people complaining about the title, but dude for fuck's sake don't click the article if you're not interested you dork.

That’s absolutely no true. In Latinamerica is one of the biggest sitcomes ever, above Friends and below The Simpsons. In Europe is popular as well.

Honestly I respect the man for it. Also everyone here stop whining just ‘cause you’re out of touch. It’s still a pop culture site, if y’all can’t keep up then what are you even doing here?

Who let you on the internet again, Grandpa?

It takes a special kind of perversity to visit and comment regularly on a website just to talk about how shitty that website is.

Yeah. It has no lasting legacy.

Did you know the dad was played by some rando who voiced the monsters on Power Rangers and worked in early anime dubs? Pffft, like I (or the Emmy voters) am (are) going to respect someone as an actor when they have “Snizzard” on their IMDb credits.