
This should be an option that is enabled when the browser is first installed. Not something forced on us and making us have to jump through hoops to get by it.

Well, it made me cringe the whole time, so it’s basically dead on to real late night talk show interviews.

The ladies who do these interviews shine their legs up with oil. I think this spoofs it. at 3:46, her leg LITERALLY sparkles and it made laugh until my stomach hurt.

This is so spot on. “It’s so big on me!”

Am I having a stroke, or are her legs getting shinier and turning gold throughout the skit? Help?

Now playing

You might also recognize AKB48 as the group that performed the Sugar Rush theme from Wreck-It Ralph

In their son’s case, he was born extremely premature and had a number of eye problems for which he has had surgery. Beyond that though, I have noticed some pretty young kids wearing glasses lately, younger than I remember any of my peers wearing them growing up.

He was a preemie with medical issues, I think. As for your general question, it isn’t that weird. I think it’s mostly a result of how in tune your parents are and whether the kid mentions vision issues. I got them in preschool.

Jack was born prematurely and has some issues with his sight....that’s why he’s wearing glasses.

I’m pretty sure their son had difficulties at birth and needs special glasses because of it, or something like that. Basically anyone can get glasses at any time. Most people just don’t know they need glasses when they’re really little because they don’t know any different. My brother didn’t realize until he was like

If you want equality for men and women this is one way to do it. That is also why traditionalists will fight this technology tooth and nail.


This happened with Snakes on a Plane. Hollywood already knows that Internet demand doesn’t always translate to actual dollars. Still, it’ll be interesting to see how well this movie does.

You know... there’s a lot of hype from the comics’-fanbase, and the internet-interest for that short played a big part in getting this movie made, but if no-one goes out to watch it and it tanks, then the movie-studios won’t be making many more films based on fan-noise for quite a while.

The only thing I'm not ok with is the minor nature of the injury.

It was wall-bangingly stupid, but definitely not for that reason.

AC III, my friend. Two playable characters.

Just a general note: I get so much more out of GoT with these recaps. Sometimes the story can get so large that I miss a few things, and these really help keep everything sorted. Thanks, Charlie Jane.

Anyways, in Canada business does not pay for mat leave unless they want to top up. We all pay into EI (UI there I think) and that's where mat leave comes from. It's no big deal at all. Why do people think this will kill business?