Pink Eye of Horus
pinkeyeofhorus makes lenses for PSVR and just about everything else out there. I got a pair for my old Vive after scuffing my glasses lenses then modded them when I got the index. A little pricy but well well worth it.

and then there’s me... thinking it’s not true-to-Tolkien because the dwarf women don’t have beards.

I had a same-color 1993 2-door Lumina, non-Z34 in college with the 3.1L engine. The color is Medium Maui Blue, I know because I obtained a grill and spoiler from a Z34 and color matched them, none of the other parts were easy to crossover though I managed to slap some 2000's era Monte Carlo rims on it. I loved that

Very impressive specs... except for the FOV, this is 110°, the Index is still not enough at 130°.

tldr: cook more often

I’ve seen this recommendation over the last couple weeks now but didn’t see the study behind it until now. The cloth masks tested were: “The cloth mask had an exterior layer of 100% non-woven polypropylene (70 grams/square meter [gsm]), two interior layers of 60% cotton / 40% polyester interlocking knit (190 gsm), an

Also have these. The touch controls are awful, one touch for volume up or down is fine but two taps for pause/play normally takes 5 tries to work, it’s just never consistent. Unlike the article, the case doesn’t keep them charged for “weeks”unless you never take them out, they do last about 6 hours on a charge and

Also have these. The touch controls are awful, one touch for volume up or down is fine but two taps for pause/play


Chocolate milk mix?

These are model TT-BH040 bluetooth 4.2 . I got model TT-BH060 w/ bluetooth 5.0 a few weeks ago when they were $40 and I’m liking them, clear sound but not great bass but they are comphy and last all week at work. Noise canceling is pretty good for background noises and deadens others’ conversations. 

These are model TT-BH040 bluetooth 4.2 . I got model TT-BH060 w/ bluetooth 5.0 a few weeks ago when they were $40

Best thing I ever bought. Best time to buy was day 1.

Best thing I ever bought. Best time to buy was day 1.

I didn’t loose anything, I was in the process of copying to back up. This was to replace a failed older one. I also keep a third copy of everything on a portable drive that only gets connected once in a while. Once I get another portable drive I plan on keeping it in my safe deposit box but haven’t gotten around to

I didn’t loose anything, I was in the process of copying to back up. This was to replace a failed older one. I also

I just returned a 4TB backup hub plus that only worked long enough to fill it up halfway, they were on sale a couple weeks ago...

I just returned a 4TB backup hub plus that only worked long enough to fill it up halfway, they were on sale a couple

I thought I was the only celebrity nerd who noticed the humble celebrity from the future, greetings brothers! My family had 4 through the ‘80s and ‘90s, 2 of which met their demise at my hands. At 12 years old I wanted nothing more than a two door Eurosport when I grew up.

I came here for this. Was disappoint.

I play this in my Vive, I don’t know if I could keep the thing on for this. Awesome video!

I'm holding out for native VR support.

Not a car, but I conducted an engineering examination of competitors’ truck-mounted mobile equipment from kit to assembly and function. It was a great experience and I think it’s common practice for any company that doesn’t want to become obsolete.

We bought a house in 2007 on an 80/20 loan to avoid PMI with nothing down. The 80 part was low interest and the 20 was a bit higher, essentially a home equity loan. This was significantly cheaper than PMI, at least by monthly payments, I think the 30 year term balanced out though. We bought another house in 2012, the

I love your name! That is all.