Pink Eye of Horus

Elite (and other games) is a whole lot better now thanks to adding supersampling in the Vive config file. Even with a 970 you can push the native Vive render to 1.5 and take Elite’s down to 0.65 for the objectively best results and make it look much better. Frontier is also supposedly trying to make it better on the

It’s good once you set it up securely, there’s pockets around the outside to shovel sand into that help. The people in the photo look to be skinny Hobbits or they’ve been photoshopped to about 0.62 their original size, there is not THAT much room. It’s plenty big for normal-sized me and wife but that photo is

It’s good once you set it up securely, there’s pockets around the outside to shovel sand into that help. The people

I can’t answer that, time will tell as to how many adopt what. I don’t have a dedicated room but I was willing to use the office/guest room with the bed standing against the wall. If I want more room in the future I’ll have to move it to the living room and move a coffee table every time I want to play but a computer

I’m also trying to keep an open mind and almost had a CV1 myself but, in my opinion, Oculus has taken enough missteps w/ the CV1 release delays, privacy concerns, exclusivity, further exclusivity w/ patches to preserve that exclusivity, rollbacks on general philosophy, etc... that they deserve to be taken down a few

As a Vive owner and on the technical side I’m worried that the current Rift CV1 will never be on par with the Vive in terms of room scale and controller capability. This may limit the capability of games, especially AAA games needing to work on all platforms to justify the development. The Rift has released as it was

I was worried that my campfire food was perpetually raw until now. Thanks Lifehacker!

A quick KBB trade in value search changing only mileage from the average 111,000 to 999,999 (wouldn’t accept 1M) dropped $3,999 from the trade in value. Started at $13,059 went to $9,060 assuming his assessment of “very good condition” is accurate.

Those exact ones in the pic, MPow Swift 80's green. They'll last 6 hours at least, at $22 I can't complain about the sound. If I'm doing something vigorous I put the cord on top of my head and never have to readjust. Wearing them right now actually.

Those exact ones in the pic, MPow Swift 80's green. They'll last 6 hours at least, at $22 I can't complain about the

Same here. It happens every time I swallow too, just not as strongly. One or both sides will stop working when I have head congestion. I also seem to be sensitive to sudden pressure changes like when a car window is opened while driving fast, it almost hurts.

Yes, apparently

Please recalculate, John Steinbeck died in 1968. $1M then is about $7M now. $1M is easily attainable by the shrinking middle class in a retirement fund alone. Regardless of exact value the premise holds.

also this

I use my stone to cook pizzas on the grill (gas or charcoal). I always preheat the stone before putting the pizza on it, oven or grill, otherwise cooking takes much longer and the top is done while the crust is still doughy.

I use vinegar for a monthly clean. Put about half a cup of vinegar in a bowl on the top rack, some in the soap dispenser and splash some around if you want. I run an express cycle and it’s clean as a whistle. My dishwasher gets a funky smell after a few weeks, it’s a really quiet model and doesn’t have a grinder so it

Initially it was the (somewhat irrational) outrage of when the Comcast introductory price ran out, to add insult to injury it didn’t even run out all at once, Comcast thought it would be less painful to ease me into it with a two step increase to full price. I knew what I signed up for and I was happy at the

The guru has spoken: Embellish, divert attention and backfire... also walk around quickly with papers or a laptop in your hands.

I would really like to see a custom folder option. Specifically to segregate my kids’ movies and shows. Not that I don’t mind seeing their movies in my list, but every time I’m going through it with them: “you’re not old enough for THAT Spider Man”... “No, we’ll watch THAT Avengers in 6 more years.”

I don’t know why but it reminds me of a three legged deer.

Will this work with a “Windows 7 Upgrade” product key? It is not the stand-alone Windows 7, but the upgrade from XP, etc...

Tecmo: inciting video game violence since 1987.