Pink Eye of Horus

+1 for Toilet Paper and +1 for Ice Cream. It’s store brand Mayo, sushi two isles over and Vans shoes for me.

the “e” vs “c” problem somehow disappears when you zoom to 90% in fact everything looks better at 90% IMO. I’m using Chrome. I agree the font is bad on computer screens.

Yep, don’t skimp on things you’re going to use all the time but for the once-in-a-while tool I’ll go cheap.

If you have a Harbor Freight nearby, go there first. They don’t have nearly the selection and specialize in tools, shop equipment and tarps apparently but it’s much cheaper. But you get what you pay for which is fine for most home owners who don’t use the tools too heavily. For instance I got a $15 angle grinder that

I guess I need to qualify that as *my wife + my net worth*. We both have been contributing to 401k’s since we started working 10 years ago and started Roth and traditional IRA’s about 5 years ago. We do use a financial adviser who occasionally/actively manages the activity, which I recommend if you don’t know or want

This is a nice round number. Seriously, a net worth of this by the time I’m 40 seems like a good goal.

I do back sweeten the cider a little and kill it with sulfite (also to preserve it if it happens to sit) so it’s still for storage. Two bottles fit just about perfectly in the soda stream and I’ll just carbonate them as I drink them. If I give some away or take some to a party, etc... I’ll carbonate, put it back in

I use my soda stream for carbonating homemade hard cider and wine. Just be careful when you depressurize, go slow so it won’t fizz all over your counter. When you’re done wipe the dispenser part down. I never thought to do cocktails, I'll try these for sure.

I guess it’s time to get off the fence and just get Elite: Dangerous already.

I hang my clothes in the hotel bathroom, keep the fan/light off and run the shower as hot as it goes for a few minutes, then keep the door shut for a while.

That’s funny but back in the day my Tetris PC version would snap the block to the bottom the instant the down button was pushed. This was the only way I knew Tetris for years until I got a gameboy. No more wasting time as your piece slowly made its way down only to slip it in sideways at the last possible instant, I

I would like Nintendo to know that I buy a system purely based on if it has a good Metroid game.

to the extreme!

I don’t know who this “Q-Mann” is but I hate him.

I guess my coveted Wii Trilogy discs aren't so coveted any more. Do the games look any better being on the Wii U vs. the Wii trilogy edition?

that exact thought crossed my mind about half way through the article. Then my mind wandered to "what if they encounter the Borg?"

I couldn't tell you how many hours I wasted playing this game. Android was my favorite and I'll never forget the FX sounds. The tables had excellent "feel" and control.

I did this as well and it looks like you stole my car. I eventually got frustrated with it and bought a cheap holder.

I did this as well and it looks like you stole my car. I eventually got frustrated with it and bought a cheap

They also set the precedence for a retaliation movie.

I especially like all the players named "specter" or "grunt" in Titanfall.