Pink Eye of Horus

"Now boarding: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper, Preferred, Choice, Advantage, 1st class, Business class, Star Alliance Gold, Star Alliance Silver, Elite, Premium, Diamond."

Dragon Lore. Unforgettable graphics when compared to Doom and Wolf3D at the time but horrible fight mechanics. Completely forgettable in every other way. I think I rode a dragon and shit.

They're called rear view mirrors. We'll get you some.

They're not financially invested, absolutely not, it's kickstarter they may as well have gotten nothing, but anyone willing to front some money for a promise and a dream is obviously emotionally invested and I can understand the butthurt and initial backlash to an extent. I didn't donate but I was considering

I'm glad to see Jewel has upgraded to living in a Cadillac. Good for her!

I went full-lazy and bought a dryer w/ a steam dewrinkle setting which needs a water hose just like a washer. The installer wasn't happy because he forgot to bring a hose splitter.

Awesome, thanks! That's a decent list.

What are you playing with it and/or what is it compatible with? What kind of mods are involved? I'm interested in it for Skyrim, Counter Strike, CoD, etc... If it works with legacy games relatively easily then I want it now, I don't care about head tracking. This would get it on everyone's heads fast and encourage

Ah man, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you have better luck.

It comes in reasonably well, every now and then it will flutter or the sound will cut out for half a second. I only really watched for a period of time in a snow storm when the local NBC's roof collapsed while the Olympics were on and went dark. My PBS is in the UHF and about 30 miles away and I think it's pretty

Yep, that's the one I have and that explains why I'm getting that one VHF in the wrong direction.

Breastfeeding? Congratulations! You've already saved a boatload of money by not buying formula.

Well, it's time I got one of these for my 3 hour commute because that totally worked out for everyone in 2005.

Bottom line: the programming selection sucks. I care infinitely more that I've been subjected to 5 minutes of commercials per every 5 minutes of competition and ass hat commentators. Not to mention the half-hour athletes' stories interspersed between. And I know people who have cats love figure skating and that's

The Clearstream 2 is what I settled on and it works great in the attic with no amplification. It picks up those pesky channels I couldn't get with a cheapo antenna. All my channels are in one direction about 40 miles away but for some reason I'm picking up one about 170 degrees off and 50 miles away.

This "FuelTorch" you speak of sounds great! Where can I get enough in time for Christmas gifts for all of my family and friends?

I can't be the only one to put 20% down on my house, can I? Our loan officer, our agent, sellers agent and closing company all treated us like we had the olde timey depression era penny pincher mentality. I thought things had changed since 2008.

Hello God, it's me, Sir William Herschel

I want to eat this fish as prepared by Jiro and served on a glass dish that was fired from the very sand of its own sand circle! I want it so bad I can't even describe.

All of those! But maybe I'm just getting old.