Pink Eye of Horus

Nope, it pains me to stoop to your level but it is the best way to communicate with you.

Clue is awesome!

Setauket, the original Stuxnet

Other M destroyed my infatuation with Samus. In the end I guess it was the mystery of the strong female character I liked. I was excited for the movie but I can't think of any story I would have truly liked and anyone who could do the movie justice would never touch it anyway.

Physics doesn't really matter to special effects in most movies or TV shows anyway, so why should it matter here?

Polarize the Faraday plating!

No! More Esther articles more fasterer! I do love her articles.

I loved Cloud Atlas so I was happy to see it on the good list. Then I saw it on the bad list and LOL, I should have seen that coming.

I liked dark shadows, it was a fun, stupid movie that I forgot about completely 2 hours later.

I'd buy that for a dollar-twenty, wait wrong movie

Yep, lots of it is crap but some are pretty close like remote controlled farms are almost there and the Hubble telescope is close/far enough. No automatic kitchens but a boom in the food service industry. Some of it is just plain nuts.

There's not one of these I didn't not like. I think just about any movie could sound good when you boil it down to one sentence.

How many people just fall asleep? That's probably what would happen to me.

Dear Michael Bay, thanks for ruining another childhood memory. I loved He-Man as a kid but haven't seen a minute of it since probably 1987.

+1, paid blogging =/= journalism, I think most people realize this

I'm no pro, but I fall into the "new kid" category so I bought an entry level Nikon 3100 DSLR and use the kit and 35mm, 1.8f fixed lens. I use it for all occasions and mostly shoot in JPEG because of storage space but sometimes in RAW depending on the situation. Instead of going to portrait studios we set up photo

this happens to me when I talk on my cell phone while driving. I often can't remember which traffic lights were red or if traffic was heavy or not. They should just put up "no cell phones" signs.

I think JJ Abrams is just trolling for some free press... oops!