yay, just like the crummy comment system!
yay, just like the crummy comment system!
everything in Australia is .... oh nevermind
Same here (hangs head)
It must be a clip art file that comes w/ commonly used video editing software. Like microsoft's "bing", "chime" or "tada", just cut-paste one of these over the BRAAAM and enjoy.
and the noise the imps make before they see you.
my thought exactly, I'm sick of it. All my relatives ask me what it is like it's something new.
I wonder if they are considering a deep drilling rover or a more effective version might be a planetary impactor to make a crater(s) and let Curiosity or any other rover drive in and collect deep samples. The surface is fine but the interesting stuff is probably buried.
attempt no landing there
I agree, this was the best episode in a long time, the story finally went somewhere and without too much cheese; however, the fight scenes were just awful. I kinda see the Aurora on Mulan thing and I think we're just being toyed with to keep us gentle-folk interested (my wife doesn't see it). I don't get the Cora…
They're not really selling me on the Conan sequel, I don't feel any enthusiasm. At this point might as well call it "The Legend of Conan: Conan Goes to the Retirement Home".
but they're on facebook AND twitter, that's about as credible as you can get
This article makes Revolution sound like something I would watch and reminds me of my initial enthusiasm for the show. But after watching most of the season so far... now I know better. This could have been awesome but it has been done poorly in my opinion.
alternate present. My money is on: his father is still alive and trapped in time somewhen and needs his son's help to return home, OMG!
but I'm willing to try it and see what I think
I don't get the hate for improving things or at least attempting to. Do you still listen to vinyl records because digital isn't as "soft" and have CRT monitors? Is it nostalgia? 24 frames is a remnant of the olden days of film. I personally hate that you can't see what's happening in an action scene because it's a…
lol, nice
Yep, I think he forgot a reporter was sitting right in front of him. I heard the interview on the radio on my way to work that morning and was all kinds of excited. It took io9 until the afternoon to report on it, I know because I was checking at least once an hour.
If bigfoot is this closely related to humans he probably just shaves frequently and is completely integrated into our society. He's probably a civil engineer or something, I don't know.