Pink Eye of Horus

At a six pack store you may only walk out with a maximum of 12 bottles/cans at one time. You can walk in and out as many times as you want ;)

Chiropractors often venture out into hokey pseudoscience i.e. holistic medicine. They aren't that blatant, judging from their website, but they do offer nutritional counseling and carry all kinds of supplements. They offer this service but no one on staff with the credentials like a nutritionist to back it up. Just

I walked past the box of donuts 5 times this morning, every time my mouth would water and every time I was an inch closer to snagging one... I eventually ate 1/4 of one... they just wore me down. Now I can say with certainty the 1/4 donut glucose-infused my willpower to resist the other 3/4!

Nope, you have me beat there.

Yes! I just had to have one when I went off to college in 1999. I think I attempted to use it for a week at most and settled on a notepad. In my mind it was supposed to have the functionality of a modern smartphone.

Don't care, doesn't matter! No matter how I pack it always comes out clean.

that exact thought crossed my mind about half way through the article. Then my mind wandered to "what if they encounter the Borg?"

Construx were awesome! I had so many sets but would really build whatever the hell I wanted. Huge generic set, motor pack, light pack, space shuttle (not the popular one), various other little sets. You could make practical and useful things and they would hold up for the most part. Bottom half of an exo-skeleton,

I got a nasty-gram from my ISP prompted by the content owner for the last S4 episode on the day after, so I guess they're not that thrilled about the pirating. Slap on the wrist but the point is HBO Go is exactly what should have been available 4 years ago.

+30 seconds before the movie to get a popcorn, etc...

Great, one more screen to sit through before the movie starts.

This is good marketing, Chile is #1 in the world for copper mining.

$15,000 of damage was done to a local church last week when the copper down spouts were stolen over the course of two nights by three masked men w/ a U-haul. The actual value in scrap is really only about $1000; however, they need to be replaced with custom made copper again because the historical society says so.

Lasers are great and all. Do you shop at IKEA? I hate the place but every time I go I'll pick up a new paper ruler, it's a meter long, and fold it up for my wallet. They have them hanging on a stand right where you walk in. I use it all the time for general measuring.

my uncle bought one of those things and swore by it... still tasted like chicken

This is what happens! Cinderella just doesn't look right in 3D. Source: Disney's Princess Sophia series.

The unsustainable escalation of reality TV has finally reached its peak and is crashing down around them. Good.

#9 Self-Stimulation Addiction - I would be pushing that button a lot. Even more so as a pick-me-up when something bad happens like a death in the family, house burns down, fast food order gets screwed up, etc... Wouldn't this lead me into a self destructive downward spiral of seeking grief and bad situations just so

I don't know, this sounds an awful lot like dieting to me.

I'll be impressed when it can use slang and accurately identify "a bro dozer" instead of "a pick up truck with larger than average tires on a gravel lot in Arizona."