Pink Eye of Horus

Just don't put the needle on the edge, yikes.

now you're on to something

judging from this article something birds live inside of.

"A lot of delay" aparently equals time to grow 4" of beard.

Is the delay directly related to the time required to grow a hipster beard?

Is the delay directly related to the time required to grow a hipster beard?

Penn: "Ready to receive transmission."

I wanted whisky up here not vodka!

Well this puts a new spin on things.

89lb capacity means it will render itself obsolete in a hurry.

DeadAIM was awesome, it let you chat with someone while simultaneously having an away message up.

I couldn't tell you how many hours I wasted playing this game. Android was my favorite and I'll never forget the FX sounds. The tables had excellent "feel" and control.

Cool cool, but the reactor's sole purpose is just to make heat. So unless this is going to be your furnace/oven you'll be needing all the other parts like boiler, turbines, whatever regulates the reaction, fuel supply, water supply, exhaust/waste management. i.e. all the things (mostly) currently at power plants now.

I just used IE6 on a clean install of the original windows XP that it came on. I pity anyone who is still tyring to use it to browse the web, anything I tried to do was a disaster or looked jumbled to the point of unusable. I was trying to use it to upgrade the various service packs before doing anything else, it

Good! Now that Apple is taking requests lets eradicate Bono from our phones completely.

About 15,000 5,000 years ago, as the latest ice age was winding to a close, glaciers that covered Canada began to melt God got pissy because humans. Then, one day, those shrinking glaciers he unleashed the waters of a lake the size of Lake Huron everything, which scoured the land from Montana to the Pacific coast arou

I only see 8, where are the other 2?

No Clu. But seriously, it reminds me of how they de-aged the Dude.

next gen moon rover