Pink Eye of Horus

wait for it.....

This looks a lot like driving in China, at least to an outsider.

maybe you can turn it updside down?

I have recently purchased a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga and couldn't be happier, almost got a Surface Pro 3. It's an i5 w/ a fan but you would never know unless you hold it up to your ear and the hottest it's gotten is barely noticeable.

"Dear Curiosity, To follow up on your review: you're doing OK by our accounts, we see that you're preforming a mediocre job and can perform some good science when you put your mind to it. Perhaps some of the responsibility rests with management in not properly motivating you. In the coming year you should

Does a CryptoPhone 500 come with a complimentary subscription to LifeLock and a third-party extended car warranty?

Is there an app for this?

Ok, I got this... First switch the DSN communications uplink from the Mars Odyssey orbiter to the Mars Global Surveyor orbiter. Then have the rover loop it's HGA communications through the unused Mars Odyssey orbiter. Now you're free to unplug the DSN from the cable modem, unplug the cable modem power and wait 30

Nice work! This is as far as I got.

This is cooler than cooler.

I propose a new seat design in which the horizontal (butt) portion slides forward while the top of the vertical portion remains more or less stationary giving you the same reclining effect but instead of someone else loosing leg room, you do. This will actually grant the person behind you more room until you put it

I'm going to start canning and selling this.

With hard drives getting so big while remaining cheap why am I still limited to 1Gb of inbox space??? Answer me ID department, I know you're reading this!

Wallace v. Hampden is to flat earth as Nye v. Oliver is to _______.

The first two movies were made out of sequence and were made to work together pretty well so I don't find it very surprising to skip around. If Inferno is a hit and there isn't another book to movie in time they'll make it work again and slip The Lost Symbol in afterwards.

Interstellar looks like Gravity, except with a plot. I'm excited.

you must have been counting all the messages that my wife's friend sends me to buy her MaryKay krap, seriously, I never bought a damn thing, stop!

Which way is forward???

You already made me cry and wrenched some money out of my wallet... I just don't have that much more money but I can cry a little harder if it will help.