Taking all bets!
Taking all bets!
me too, TV looks like it's going to bust through the ceiling.
Silver, OK, that's cool. They'll just turn it blue in the sequel.
Perhaps as a college professor
95% of the time I hate the SyFy channel, and I mostly hate it for that fact that I'm supposed to like it being that I'm a science fiction nerd. It just give sci-fi nerds a bad (worse) rap. When Sharktopus vs. megapahranadon, Seducing Bigfoot and Ghost Hallucinations are the headlining movies and shows it's hard to…
I dated a real geek girl once, it was awful.
The simple answer is: yes.
I had Physics I and II in high school. The first 2/3's of II was a rehash of I, the remaining 1/3 was light and electricity. Then in college Physics I and II again were basically the same exact courses all over again without even an introduction into the more contemporary stuff... I was a mechanical engineering…
I think religion covers it. Done.
LOL @ The British (1814), wasn't expecting that one.
I was optimistic and open minded as I watched the first 3 or 4 episodes until the English woman died. That was it for me. The dog guy stabbed her in the leg, she was bleeding out, nobody really seemed to care and neither did I. And how did her iPhone still have 13% battery after how many years? Maybe I'll catch up…
saw the movie yesterday, I loved it! My wife hated it but she's not into sci-fi at all. Not the greatest movie ever but done very well and fairly easy to follow. It follows the book for the most part and what they did change works great on screen.
I've read the book just recently but haven't seen the movie yet, hopefully I will this weekend. I loved the book but it does take some time to get started. I didn't really get into it until the third part but the rest of the trip was fantastic. I'll be reading it again which is something I rarely do.
and what part of this sounds like comedy? Shakespearean comedy comedy perhaps but who talks like that, just say drama
and in the near future this will be used on Iran's nuclear program
I'm in South East PA and it's a ritual to panic and empty the grocery store shelves when hyped-up flurries are predicted. I'm from further North so this is kind of funny to me. I wonder what's going to happen around here in the face of a real threat.
that's the lost art of the "shit sandwich".
what is the catalyst and where can I get some?
Politics.... yay! Also, what happened to the notion that Obama was the literal anti-christ? Is he just laying in wait for his second term? This election just simply doesn't have enough biblical doom.