Pink Eye of Horus

They would have a pile of my cash. I really wish they would make a sequel to the X-Wing series, I'll even settle for a good knockoff.

"MOTU is such a challenging puzzle to make into a movie that works to a contemporary audience"

well... okay. As you were careful aboot sprinkling the potentially dangerous chemical and not oot-right dumping it.

Really? Did you write anything else? Maybe I'll buy you an entire coffee.

I can attest to the fact that a VW would never hold up to the weather. I'm in the middle of a VW bug restoration and the ravages nature has done to the thin sheet steel body is remarkable. Mine sat outside in PA for about a decade, I can't imagine it in a tropical climate, even indoors. You were right to point this

This caught my eye on this morning (don't ask). Their article only listed the distance as 25 trillion miles and the author had no clue what he was talking about. That or he dumbed it down for the readership. In other words, thanks for this wonderful and informative article for educated adults! I can't

How cool would it be if it's orbit was a figure-eight and is the sole survivor of a planetary system demolition derby?

I want to see everything described up until where the show picks up the story. I'm guessing the first 5 minutes of the pilot will cover what I'm looking for then I can tune out for the boring (read: cheap) frontier lawman stuff. Wait! Maybe this will be like Firefly, now I'm more excited.

Here in PA only certain plastics can be recycled, soda bottles and anything from a blown process are on the list. They don't have a facility to process things like yogurt cups and anything from a forming process. I'm not sure of what the chemical names are for these. It's kind of disappointing that with how much

Here's hoping

Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. Any title you have to qualify with an explanation should be considered for renaming and make you think about scrapping the project altogether. It's like having to explain a joke, I get it, it's just not funny. If you leave the title ambiguous with an interesting title I'll research

I'm doing my part!

When Comcast started charging $4 I shrugged it off. When they started charging $7 shortly afterwards I was irate, called to complain (got 2 months free modem rental), promptly researched a new modem, purchased said docsis 3 modem, enjoy faster speeds than crappy rental modem, never looked back.

My friend has that exact camera and was using it until a few months ago when I got him a new one for his birthday. What an awful camera to use. It uses AA batteries and a memory card I can't even identify. Amazing how far they've come in a short amount of time.

"God did it": This may be your belief but when it comes to science it is too convenient and can be used to explain anything no matter how it is now or what caused it to be so doesn't really mean anything, it is a logical fallacy. Why bother trying to explain anything if this is your answer? Also, cut the man open

All that talk about how to seriously portray a killing machine and then throw it out the window by getting it drunk?

No thanks. If they took this story they would churn out iRobot again. Hollywood is beyond saving.

I like southwest the best of all the US carries I've flown but that's not saying much. My two flights within Chile were by far the best flight experience I've ever had. Better snacks, more leg room, free headphones, friendly attendants, soda w/ actual sugar in it, etc...

"shitting bricks" sounds much more pleasant than the proposed "pissing bricks"

Esther, I love your articles!