the old-fashioned way! Cathode ray tube, standard definition, live! Also by candlelight.
the old-fashioned way! Cathode ray tube, standard definition, live! Also by candlelight.
iPhone app. It's a little quirky with certain things, especially notifications, but has imporved over the years. It's good enough that I only use the full desktop version once or twice a year. I mostly use it to read updates, post, pictures and message.
I won't and I'm not even tempted by the mini or the regular. I have an iPhone which does almost everything the same just on a smaller screen so I can't justify spending more to use each device less. I'm waiting to see how windows 8 x86 tablets perform to use as a primary PC.
this sounds like a coincidence of our somewhat arbitrary base 10 digit numbering system? Does it work the same for a base 8 or 11 or whatever digit system? I'm not smart enough and/or too lazy to try.
yup, me too
my wife has a giant stack of Christmas Song CD's she wants me to rip... I hope my drive still works.
I'm with you there on the cloud, it's nice for some things but I simply have too much to trust to them. I've outgrown burning stacks of DVD's, I now back up to 3 hard drives instead. DVD's still have their place for some things, I don't want them gone either.
Jesus, Apple is just doing this to spite you. Yes, you are that important. There is no other explanation for them to be wrong through 6 OS releases and not fix a blatant error.
They weren't sued by Apple for the first one, statute of limitations ran out, so they think they're safe.
I'm glad I just read that part last night.
This isn't like figuring out that your parents aren't perfect when you turn 12, although that's the vibe I'm getting here. Every iPhone had something to complain about, Siri and maps are just the latest. The iPhone has never been perfect unless you forget: no copy/paste, no notification, no third party apps,…
4D??!! Great, now I have to buy a new TV... again.
I think I agree with every damn word you are saying... probably
If I ever get FAS I hope I end up talking like Christoper Walken.
I was about to say the same thing, only the second one had his chopped-off possessed hand crawling around and a green vortex that sucked Ash into 1320 AD, which led into Army of Darkness.
you mean I've been watching reality TV all along??? DAMNIT!
I think the title is backwards: "Soon you’ll be backing up your DNA using a hard drive". You know, for clone parts.
I have the Craftsman and I love it but the clutch will pop from low to high on it's own and grind the gears. I have to hold the switch in place w/ a second hand.
I'll review my craftsman for you: It's a $75 12v Li-Ion little pistol drill that looks mostly like the Bosch above. I've had it for 1-1/2 years now and is my primary drill, I'll reach for a corded hammer drill when I need more. It packs a punch for the size and weight. It came w/ two batteries that stay charged for…
I'll review my craftsman for you: It's a $75 12v Li-Ion little pistol drill that looks mostly like the Bosch above. I've had it for 1-1/2 years now and is my primary drill, I'll reach for a corded hammer drill when I need more. It packs a punch for the size and weight. It came w/ two batteries that stay charged…