Pink Eye of Horus

my father-in-law has that camera body, but his is 8.0 mp. It was $1,250 when he bought it, I want to say in 2004. He hates it because it's slow and has a really small flip screen, 1.8" max. It's no DSLR but it does have all the functions of a cheap newer DSLR and it does take some nice pictures when prompted.

I had one of those, it was my first mp3 player (not counting my computer). Memory expansion topped out at 256 mb (i think) readable on an SD card, anything over that was ignored.

agreed. Also, I like your apple thief analogy

The trailer got me interested and rave reviews about the book pushed me over the edge, I'm about half-way through. It's really well written, the different styles pull you into each of the time periods you're supposed to be in. There are small connections between the stories so far but, like I said, I'm only half way

Also agree, a suit that does nothing more than pop a gun out of his leg would be a waste of current movie-making technology. Make the suit bad-ass but don't go too nuts, a little transformation is all that's needed. I don't think this critic would be happy w/ anything. No one would pay attention to him if he

it is 2 but I'm pretty sure they're two different animals, like windows 32 bit and windows 64 bit systems before, the arm and x86 are different architectures so you only install the one you need because the other won't work on your sustem. For 2 grand you can get a Windows RT tablet and an ultra book laptop (probably

I think I'll wait until they isolate whatever is suppressing the allergic response and put it into pill-form. I'll deal w/ my allergies, you can keep your worms.

I like what you're getting at but doesn't sound cheap w/ two processors, two batteries, two OS's (i wonder how they would swap) all to run on a single screen, certainly not as cheap as a battery extender or extra battery for the x86 pro.

agreed, they're making it available for anyone to buy, they intend and need help from the other manufacturers to get it into as many hands as possible and drive prices down. These manufacturers are at the mercy of someones operating system unless they pony up and make their own. I don't care if they don't like it,

The pace made me worry that I might contract ADD, they could have made this into an hour and still have plenty of content . I need to watch it again to pick up on what I missed.

I enjoyed that ending much more than landing in 1978

+1 for your avatar

Amen! ... for lack of a better word.

Thank you, Mitt, for funding socialized music! I got this ad too and promptly ignored it.

you should still be running XP so your operating system doesn't hog all your resources.

lets be generous and say it was 1/4 mile away at 5° inclination, that would make his boat 115' tall. Also, it looks like a log.

with windows 8 the integration should be the same no matter what you use it on, I don't see how a desktop would be any less integrated than a tablet. So my answer is yes, I think for a lot of things i'd like a touchscreen on my desktop. It's got to be pretty accurate and responsive without breaking the bank. I sit

that doesn't look too bad, i'm on a 21" viewsonic at work and I can't complain. I noticed there are a handful of different technologies too, not sure what is "good enough" for a monitor. I know capacitive is very good for small screens but very expensive on these larger ones.

are there any decent and relatively inexpensive touch screen monitors available? I'm gearing up for Windows 8 and am curious.

Alvin is in the news pretty often. I remember writing papers about Alvin and J.J. in grade school in the early 90's.