at $150 a week, they're not that scarred.
at $150 a week, they're not that scarred.
I think this kinda practice is about to become rampant in China with the 1-child law. That or the virtual girlfriend business will really see a boost.
"we only see high resolution over a small area in the center of our vision..."
1.9 billion sounds cheap for the scale of this project, is that 1991 money? US defense budget in 2010 was 663 billion, I'm not too thrilled about our priorities.
about the same size yes but a different form factor. I'm not carrying a usb cable in my pocket all the time but this keyring would take a beating in my pocket and stay on my keychain forgotten until needed. I would like one and would even put it on my already massive keychain but $30 is a bit salty.
Some people will do just fine with ARM and RT like everyone who wants to facebook and youtube and just surf the web. But not you and me. RT is the catch up to iPad and Pro "should" surpass it in everything but battery life and lower price.
I finally figured out what I've been doing wrong: I've been taking pictures when I really should have been taking photographs.
agreed, movie was great, SG1 was ok, only thing missing is "the end" and credits scroll.
Back in the 1800s space wasn't a vacuum at all, it was filled with a substance called "The Ether", not air but certainly not empty. It wasn't until the early 1900s when it was suspected that the ether was dissipating and in the mid 1900s it was completely gone. ;)
To make it fair, like NASCAR, I think all jockeys should ride the "same" horse, cloned from a single specimen. You could put stickers on them all and name them "Chevy", "Ford" or even "Toyota" but really you can't tell them apart or care to buy one at your local dealer.
that's what I was thinking. I, like many other readers here, will now be equipped to tell our co-workers and relatives why they won't get help... and then promptly be roped into helping.
awesome, just awesome! I was getting used to Kinja but it's still just awful for anyone who likes to read any comments whatsoever.
I love the RainX windshield washer fluid, you don't even have to rub it on anymore, it's about $3 and requires no more effort than the regular fluid. Comes in bug remover (be careful, it freezes, funny story) and de-icer which I use all year round. My wipers rarely ever go faster than the lowest mist setting.
1. never underestimate the irrational fears of a parent! 2.... 3. profit!
"Are these new things meant for regular people, or the data-obsessed, grace-deficient Silicon Valley nerd vanguard?"
"Maybe after many thousands of years... we might feel comfortable accepting and utilizing their technology."
A passenger on my second cruise had a heart attack on the second day out, we were near the coast of Florida and the ship changed course headed directly for land for about 30 mins. A coast guard helicopter hovered about 100 ft above the deck and lifted him on a stretcher and then a lifted a relative (I assume) in a…
time to invest in Nickle while its still cheap!
Oh Snap! ... Actually i'm getting used to Kinja, but still annoyed by it.