Pink Eye of Horus

I love my SSD. It's 120 gb and paired w/ a 1tb HDD for storage. Anything that needs to run fast fits on the SSD. Anything more was just too expensive. I'm only on SATAII but it was a huge bump in speed. I've recently built a SATAIII rig for a friend and didn't see much improvement over my 2 year old one.

Any news on "C 299,792 km/s" the speed of light movie? It was featured on here before kickstarter became a bad word. It really caught my interest.

There is potential but google obviously hasn't gotten too far with it. It seems they just want to generate some buzz for it. A camera on your face? Nailed it!... Is that it? Yup.

I come for the articles and stay for the comments, now I'm just frustrated. I don't mind change but so far this just seems needlessly cumbersome to try and read through comments and work my way up and down the discussion tree and try to remember where I left off. If I like the discussion I'll read every comment but

I would like a camera that I could use to take a picture and instantly send it to anyone anywhere in the world. Until such a device exists I guess this one will have to do. But when my dream camera does exist I suspect this one will fade into obscurity...

I can't believe they missed the meme, best part.

i really enjoyed them despite being a little disjointed. To me they're a breath of fresh air in our country of stale movies.

sign me up for one too, always wanted a tablet but couldn't justify it because of the limitations, my phone does the same thing. I think small businesses will go nuts for the Pro at launch and larger businesses will catch on in a couple years. Heck I just got windows 7 at work and I consider that "quick".

excatly what i'm looking for. Microsoft is looking pretty exciting. My only problem is almost my entire family is on iPhones using iMessage, that would be the only think i'd miss...

I do feel kind of bad for the people who recently got a WP7 but it's getting an update to take it as close to WP8. If it were me I'd be a little pissed but get over it in a few days. The people who will be complaining the loudest will be those who get WP7 after this announcement and it's those people whom I will

This just in: 1 of 1 dads use a cellphone to pacify their baby. 99.9% to be precise, 0.1% has their phones out of reach. This is how I often do it, my son loves the pictures and videos of himself.

agree and agree. All I've seen that the iPad is good for in the corporate environment is taking notes, reading email and giving presentations. It doesn't run much that your general office cube dweller needs otherwise. And if they have one it sits next to their windows laptop until they get bored. I'm excited that my

The Pro sounds like the perfect office machine and what MS is shooting for. The people in my office who have iPads now have expensive note pads and a toy to be unproductive as well as smart phones and a laptop/desktop. You can take my stupid Lenovo laptop that takes 5 minutes to boot and struggles to open pics, I'll

I'm with you on this, I don't have a tablet because I have a phone, I can't justify buying something that does the same thing on a larger screen. I also want full desktop/laptop capability on a tablet but it certainly needs a good UI for a touch screen. I'm really hopeful and excited that Windows 8 will be good,

and, um, when sci-fi robots say "thinking... thinking..."

they look Russian to me

right! I can certainly get behind his motivation for inventing warp drive, those kinds of values need to be encouraged.

Hardened Manufacturers, speaks of the Maya Calendar as a reason why they've created their structures:

I think the study was tainted. As the picture suggests; the test subjects consumed copious amounts of tomatoes, enough at least to have tomato jars littering their bathrooms. As many are already aware, tomatoes are rich in antioxidants which are believed to fight cancer.

Mike Lazaridis for vice prime minister!