Pink Eye of Horus

I'm sorry that you find my skepticism asinine. I'm not ignorant on the topic but I refuse to buy into the sensationalism when each individual weather event causes people to cry "global warming is here!" I'll be the first to admit that I'm just a casual observer of the climate issues at hand. I agree that this is

I can't complain about ATT, from my iphone I can stream music all day, stream video, etc... without any hiccups. I attribute having no problems to living in a small city and not an overcrowded metropolis. The only times I've ever had problems was new years at midnight and when the east coast earthquake hit. The new

I forget, what did they call it when we had 8" of snow in Pennsylvania before Halloween last year? I thought we were supposed to call it "climate change" now, or is it back to "global warming" now that it's hot this week? Unseasonably hot means this isn't normal and won't be like this 9 times out of 10. Just get

this is what I thought the second I saw "lens flare", I thought it was a production leak from Star Trek 2.

hahahahahahaha... and that is why evil will always win, because good is dumb.

My method is to quickly pour a bucket of water into the bowl being careful not to let it overflow. The speed and pressure take care of the " clog".

the comments you speak of sound like a preemptive strike against the inevitable creationist ones. My opinion is that if you can't approach something with an open mind then keep your mouth shut.

At $50 a kilo that's about $4,500 for a 200 lb tourist. I can put that on my bucket list and might actually make it.

I don't think they are really considering doing it right now but I'm sure they have it in the back of their minds. I wouldn't want a clunky UI just to have a unified OS either but if someone can figure out how to do it and do it right for the best user experience I think it would take off. There are high hopes for


I guess rubber bullets, beanbag bullets and fire hoses aren't painful enough for crowd control.

I just had a close family friend receive a donor heart not even a month ago after waiting for 2 months in a hospital bed at the top of the list. He's doing great and going home this week. I've never been an organ donor but now I will be. I'm a little ashamed that it took someone I know to receive an organ to make

I'm going to try this tonight! Just be sure to clean the can first.

Direct from Webber, my replacement 22" grill lid was $55 + $7 shipping. I know because a contractor's boombox slid off my roof while they were replacing my hail-damaged roof. I saw it happen and he still denied it hit the grill while we both stood there surrounded by boombox plastic. I told him he was getting off

When you're finished installing your hard drive you'll have the tools and skills to become a jewel thief.

Is that Maddox? Sure looks like him.

That's what I was thinking. I'm not sure if the engines topped out at 2000cc or 2200cc but that's only 2.0L or 2.2L and I think around 100 HP or so, I don't think it's quite enough.

I guess cable thinks it needs to compete w/ other services to keep as many people from using them as possible. Overall I think Hulu or any competing streaming internet TV has a long way to go to compete with the content and ease of cable. Off the top of my head: Live streaming sports, semi-live anything for that

You are dead-on! I just can't put it so eloquently. DSL is available in most places and is sort of an alternative to cable internet but not a good one. People of average tech skills are tied to cable because it's easy, what they're accustomed to and priced just right that alternatives just don't make sense.

I'm sorry officer, i forgot my password