Pink Eye of Horus

I always look to south park to answer life's questions.

I read those books too when I was a kid. I loved them and the x-wing & tie fighter computer games, I wish they would make a new one.

I never thought about it but it does make sense for Netfilx to pursue this. They are competing w/ on-demand video offered by cable and have something to offer on above and beyond anything cable on-demand has: a well established service w/ loads of content that is ready for the cable company to re-sell with little

I bet it was "correcthorsebatterymagnet"

This would be a fun way to get people to watch the upcoming presidential debates. Instead of the moderator saying "time's up", he could point this at the speaker and let hilarity ensue.

After reading this article and commenting on your comment I read the consumer review and thought about it a little more and I think it has potential for people who don't get along w/ computers now. Here's what I said about it on the other article:

How about setting it up as a NAS? Install FreeNAS and hook up a USB HDD? I assume it's USB 2.0 but USB 3.0 would make this a great option.

Computers AND devices. I had to count but between me and my wife they would seize 12 devices counting computers, phones, tablet and external hard drives. This doesn't count flash drives and other items that could be used for storage of information. I'm in no way a hacker but I can easily see 10 being on the low

If you work on salary your employer is getting a free day's work ;)

I'm really excited for Windows 8 after reading this, yes, I'm even excited about Metro on a desktop and not just for myself. I teach and re-teach older relatives how to do the same simple tasks over and over again. Traditional OS UI is clunky and non-intuitive but many of us grew up w/ it and it's second nature. I

Dealing with the same parent stuff. Windows 95 will do all that too but 7 is really the best option. Stay away from windows 8 for them until at least it's officially released.

haha, touche

This is exactly where I see computing going in the future and products like these are the first baby steps. One portable personal device and docks everywhere.

Wireless Charging To Any Device*

good idea, I found out what it was... I'm ashamed to say it was my work phone which I forgot I had connected to my wifi...

Good article, society still seems to be working but I came in here because I think one of my neighbors is mooching my wifi, I have a computer I can't identify on my network... this article was absolutely no help on that matter.

I always wondered why USB wasn't like this from the beginning, not very universal.

Carbon you say?

Haha, there's not one sentence in this article that I didn't like.

$80 a month will go a long way at the bar depending how many games you watch. Also you would save some $ from not having so much damn beer at home. That said, I don't think cable is going anywhere anytime soon. It's ingrained in people, especially in the technologically challenged who don't know what a Roku is or