Pink Eye of Horus

A good point my financial adviser made was to use a credit card and not a debit card for security reasons. Any card can be compromised by some means: photo, skimmer, scanner, sketchy waitress etc... RFID is just another method. The security of a credit card comes after the theft; credit card companies have much

"Pigeon shoots", as they're called in PA, are kind of like skeet shooting but w/ live birds. As far as I know they are legal in certain counties but come w/ a lot of controversy. They are bred and raised locally, usually by the people who shoot them. At the shoot they are released from cages and shot seconds

I'll have a soft Doritos taco, please.

I think the guy driving next to me on the highway this morning already has one, he was reading a newspaper, a newspaper! I almost lost it.

"Claim Denied" forms will now include this picture.

I don't understand why parents would ever refuse to vaccinate their children, to me it's like taking a century of medical knowledge and ignoring it based on and unknown and unproven fear.

I dump a lump sum in about twice a year and my 401k is bi-monthly so my total trades for year are, lets see, 14! That's about all the energy I have for the stock market. After 14 I have no clue how many ways it's split and traded, aren't computers great?

Pretty well thought out ideas. I like the first (wormhole) and especially the last (stays put + moon politics). I just hope it's nothing cheesy and/or inexplainable that kicks it off. I'm excited for this or any sci-fi series w/ some thought behind it and good production value.

I've heard that infants are able to understand at 6 months before, actually my wife read it in one of our many baby books. This study forwards that thinking and it's great to know when raising a child. My son is now 16 months old, we talked to him since he was born w/ the intention of teaching him and started

I refuse to believe that mead just happened by accident. God made it for Adam 6,997 years ago, shortly after he made Eve, period end of story.

I had this for qbasic but it was already pretty old and lame by that time. Space invaders and zaxxon were my favorites.

Citations and sources or everything you spew here is irrelevant. I am interested in inspecting your sources to ascertain their credibility and yours but telling me to search them myself probably won't lead me to the same ones. What do you have to hide?

What I find sad is that these jobs actually sound good as far as Chinese standards go. With people lined up for work this can't be the worst option. I still believe it's exploitation of a poorer population but I think Apple is actually increasing the standard of living there. I think these protests are misdirected.

haha, you caught one!

Is that you again, troll bait? No, you're actually serious. I have diagnosed you with dyslexia, now please reverse your "scientific method" flow chart from (belief -> evidence) to (evidence -> conclusion, aka belief). Please don't call it science if it's not founded on scientific principle. You're more guilty of

... oh nevermind, have your fun

This may go away for certain studios' discs when Redbox starts buying from third parties instead of direct. They just let one of their contracts expire because of the long wait times and I suspect more expired contracts and higher prices are coming.

did you try pressing "stop" "stop" "play"? Usually works but not always.

solar powered flashlight, nice!

USA: Dibs on the moon!