Pink Eye of Horus

give me two batteries or get out, I can't think of one useful thing that would need a single AA.

they should have offered him $50k a year to work for them, they will probably end up hiring him anyway. I can't believe that's all the money he asked for, probably figured it was cheap enough they would just pay it.

Prices please! This weighs a lot on my willingness to even consider trying apps.

Redbox will probably go to a tiered price structure like Blockbuster Express has. It'll help them offset the extra cost. Blockbuster Express is $3 for new releases that Redbox doesn't have, some are $2 and the bottom of the barrel or older ones are $1.

I have a ZAGG shield on my work phone and I'll admit it's almost impossible to scratch. But after 10 months it still looks like crinkled cellophane and my fingers stick to it.

zooming out works too. you can put it in a viewer or just zoom out on your browser. If you zoom way in you can see all the different grays hidden between the black lines which look like varying shades of black too.

Not it looks like JFK and in color!

I got a GSI Outdoors JavaGrind ($18 on Amazon) for christmas, it's a workout to crank by hand and a little hard to set the grind but it's a super cheap burr grinder and it works well. I use it with a french press for 2 cups at a time, i really wouldn't want to hand grind for an entire pot with this thing.

this is exactly what i see happening. the current generation phones have more than enough computing power to handle what the average computer user does but doesn't have the peripherals or software to do it the same as a laptop or desktop. In time I see the pocket-sized computer (currently called a phone) being your

and 1., i learned something today

I get it that is portable and off the gird, but for $200+, really??? Give me something w/ a crank or one of those thingies that that takes AA batteries.

I was really expecting to see Sea Quest and hoping a little to see Earth 2. Space Above and Beyond is a good one.

I really liked it too, but I was 13 so I wonder how I would like it now.

Firefly was on the top 50 list referenced at the top. I think 17 or so. Very good show, one of my favorites, unfortunately I didn't get into it until after the movie.

I agree, there is so much focus on the height and weight percentiles that sometimes almost everything else gets overlooked and can cause a lot of needless stress for parents. I have a one-year-old and he was in the 0% for weight and 20% for height for a while until he started spoon-feeding. I don't understand how

"3D Resolution: HD Equivalent"... does that even mean anything? 480P was HD for a while but at least it was quantifiable.

I need to see this strapped to the top of a laptop! Sounds pretty cool though.

agreed. study consisting of 18 subjects performed by a speaker manufacturer, the marketing department probably conducted it.

I completely agree with every word written in this article and wouldn't change a thing...

i really don't think it's an error, they have you captive in their store ready to buy. Online is a different story: less overhead and you're probably looking somewhere else too. i kind of see it more like a coupon... but sleazier.