simplistic interface for simplistic people... looks as boring as a blackberry
simplistic interface for simplistic people... looks as boring as a blackberry
my cheap cloned cables are plenty useful. the rubber wire coating is cheaper but the ends have held up much better than the Apple one where I can see the wires now.
it doesn't mean they can do it well
the few times i've bought higher priced items from best buy I checked the online price before hand. seems like online is frequently $10 to $20 less and they've honored the online price. not much but worth a quick look.
I was there! The caverns are awesome, it's about a 60 minute self guided tour. There is a lot to see, amazing formations. The organ is almost at the end of the tour and is neat but the entire tour is amazing.
I agree, but these are the people I have to help out when their internet isn't working. It's hard to convert anyone from the "big e".
wow, gee thanks for making me feel stupid for asking a question. I didn't buy into it just yet, I was skeptical and don't have all the facts. I don't support limiting the internet in any way so in any form i'm still opposed to this bill.
I wonder if the anti-vaccine movement was considered in this study. There are many parents who outright refuse vaccines for their children and even more that selectively choose certain ones based on risk. The fear of autism as a side affect is still controversial. Parents don't like STD related vaccines especially,…
I don't know if what i've heard and read is true or not, please someone correct me. The way I understand it, any website that even appears to be supporting piracy and is identified by the holder of the copyright can unilaterally take some action against that website, and with the help of whatever government agency in…
Great for anyone who knows how to use it. Not great for the other 80% (too generous?) who's IE 6 will be automatically updated only to be left wondering why the internet looks different and doesn't work.
The more I learn about this bill the less concerned I get about it passing. I simply can't believe that anyone who remotely understands the concept of this can think it's a good idea for anyone besides the RIAA & MPAA. Even if enough votes are bought for this to pass I'll bet a dollar it will end up in the supreme…
can we go back to paper ballots? I don't think anon knows how to screw w/ those.
I'm glad to see that this prince returned to power, got his fortune back and is using it wisely... I hope he deposits what he promised soon or I'll never trust a deposed prince again.
I like using a french press, so much so that I asked for one for Christmas along w/ a manual conical burr grinder. I hope no one I know is reading this opinion. The difference i've found between a drip maker and a press using the same grounds is about as vast as light beer vs. microbrew. Most of America drinks…
I am exactly a 1/3 Windows XP user: XP at work, two w/ 7 at home. Sorry to disappoint you. The good news is that IT is "working" on switching everyone over to 7, anyone w/ a newer computer already has it.
I agree, it takes you out of the story when the whole point of a movie is to remove you from reality. Showing you it's fake is like yanking Santa's beard off.
thanks for the hint and you're password! BTW, the above post was written by me.
Light isn't a wave, it's a particle! No wait, maybe it is a wave... oh I give up!
I had to check the comments there since you mentioned it. A lot of political finger pointing for shipping jobs to Europe, some gibberish, a lot of upset religious types mostly over the inflammatory "God Particle" headline (also gibberish), and one random fart joke. No speculation on what it could mean to advance…
The author's opinion rant aside. I have no use for a tablet or even a laptop but combine the two that functions well as both and now I'm interested. I have my gaming desktop and a phone and no need for anything in between. I agree a traditional laptop w/ a touchscreen would be tiresome but don't stop there. Change…