Pink Eye of Horus

Cool concept but I don't much care for science fiction that takes place in modern times. It not only cheapens the production cost and value but cheapens my experience and I find that insulting. There are some good examples like terminator and some bad examples like Star Trek IV. I'll reserve my judgment of this

I constructed a parabolic antenna using an online guide, cardboard, aluminum foil and a rubber band to extend my signal from a $20 router to my Wii across my house and through about 5 walls. The signal was improved tremendously in the direction it was pointing but severely crippled in the opposite direction. I don't

I don't know, these look more like a food processor blade to me. Perhaps the multiple blades will appear like a solid-ish object to a bat or bird and reduce the pile of dead things at the feet of green technology. Sir Chuck Dyson should put his "fan blade technology" to more practical use and invent a blade-less

and camera lenses, had a tough time finding a Nikor 35 mm.

Ok, this thing needs to fly to the moon and back... oh yeah, there's a catch, you can only use enough power to run a blender for about 5 minutes.

Wish you would put the price right next to the name. I'm very frugal and most of my apps are freebies.

You're lucky the RIAA never caught you recording the radio onto cassette tapes, Napster was the safer bet back then.

Is the Columbia Winter Wear ad at the bottom of this article intentional or accidental... or Google Ads doing a creepy-good job?

Yes, let's ban TV! No, who know's what this guy was thinking.

Some people do this kind of thing on purpose, there was a show on TLC or similar about the topic. Not saying this is what happened here but it sounds suspicious.

Don't worry, they'll never try this again, not since we threatened to retaliate IRL.

$1 or $1.20 are both dirt cheap. Just before Blockbuster Express started putting kiosks in my area the Red Boxes all jumped to $2 for about a month or so. That was a little harder to swallow. My biggest bone of contention is that Blockbuster Express doesn't have the same 30 waiting period on certain movies as

I see alot of potential yes but as w/ most tech the first iteration isn't all that useful. I'm sure these are the first steps toward thin folding or roll-out screens but in the mean time I'm not investing in one until they prove their usefulness.

I would be interested if this could run on my HTPC. I wonder if it will be possible.

In the 3D version I hope they make Jar-Jar pop out 3 to 4 times more than he really should. He will actually literally be out of place instead of just awkward.

I jumped from the 3G to a 4s, huge huge huge difference but this an an aside. I have a DSLR and combined w/ the 4s I agree that I no longer need a point and shoot to fill the gap. But if I didn't have the DSLR I sure would still want a point and shoot if for nothing else than optical zoom.

Very nice, had to look it up but now I remember. Stupid mushy brain.

sundials aren't a problem, I just rotate mine 30° one way or the other... it's hard to do at 2am though, and heavy

i think you're thinking time zones, he's talking daylight saving time when you jump ahead or back an hour in a particular time zone

I agree, Watson needs to come back to Jeopardy w/ speech recognition and a mechanical "hand" to operate the buzzer w/ no special input/output. Level the playing field for all contestants.