this will make people laugh at you for photos when all you really wanted was a smile.
this will make people laugh at you for photos when all you really wanted was a smile.
I'm surprised Apple let the app slip through with the larger screen size being impossible and all. Seriously, this sounds like a good selling point but probably comes w/ an even higher price tag than the current GPS offerings.
I guess this means that we can go back to calling it "global warming" now. Goodbye "climate change", what did you really mean anyway?
I can guarantee you will never have to recharge a disposable battery!
thanks for the advice, I decided to wait and mine shipped yesterday and should be here tomorrow. I'm disappointed that ATT can't predict or even look up simple information like this. They have to know how many phones they're getting and when and who will get them and when.
damnit, I was just going to try that! I chatted w/ an ATT rep online yesterday who couldn't tell me anything about my order status whatsoever or answer if I could still get one at a store.
I pre-ordered but all my ATT order page says is "backordered" with no other information. So I chatted w/ a rep to see what was happening w/ my order, he didn't know or wouldn't tell me anything about it other than that "if you placed your order after 5:30 on Friday 10/7 your order may be 21-28 days late."
some mail gets through fine but others take hours and come in lumps, attachments don't seem to matter, my test e-mail took 7 hours.
Once I used an STP ticket to get into a Deftones show, yes it was the '90s. I went to the show hoping to get a scalped ticket but had the STP ticket in my wallet for an upcoming show which looked exactly the same. The ticket takers were only checking the back for the blacklight-sensitive Ticket Master print and I…
Yes e-mails are down-ish, e-mails to my work blackberry were/are about 3 hours late this morning compared to desktop. Just did a test, 30 mins now and counting...
ha......... hahahahahahahahahha.
agreed, without R&D a company will stagnate. It's not a direct formula but generally: those who innovate, dominate. You can also buy ideas (patents) but that takes some innovation too; you need to know how to use it, improve upon it or at least recognize its potential. I have an iPhone but I'm not a big Apple fan…
I can't believe this is the first time I've heard this, I feel pretty dumb right now. I was always wondering why Giz didn't have an app.
also a great tech related analogy.
and expensive golf clubs make you golf better and expensive cars make you more attractive, oh wait, that one's actually true.
Sounds like a step in the right direction, i've always liked the dip the best and thought of the chicken as merely a dipping instrument, a deep-fried vessel if you will, whose only purpose was to deliver the flavor infused concoction into my mouth in the most efficient way possible while only contributing texture and…