Pink Eye of Horus

in my mind this is the brass ring for TV, unfourtun... *ahem* sorry, as it turns out, they control the fastest consumer internet pipes right now, I can't see any major changes until they start loosing alot of money. Comcast does have quite a bit more on-demand shows than they used to, usually 3 or so of the most

Sounds neat but also sounds like alot of hassle and expense to get video on your phone.

Yes, yes I do. Many visions of our future have us talking to our technology, not just Star Trek. Perhaps you would be more comfortable speaking to your Android.

I got excited reading the article and then depressed reading the comments. Really? Does it suck yet if it's not even released? Give it a chance before you condemn it, hell, it worked in Star Trek well enough. Worst case, don't use it.

No fair! You changed the result by measuring it!

I already have a bunch of friends that make it a point to annoyingly inform the world of what they are listening to and how it makes them feel. This will be great for two reasons: my friends will love it because it will automatically tell the world that they are hip and trendy and I will love it because I will be

I still prefer a glass bottle any day, something just isn't right with it out of a can and I can't put my finger on it.

"And what does this mean for genetically modified foods?"

Forget the cell phones, pagers were what all but contractors and doctors had back then. Anyone else send messages by number that would have to be decoded? Like 633863288436255 or 52786444892747328? These were the precursor to text.

As an air-cooled VW guy: if it's the size of a VW bus, glows brightly and breaks up, it's probably a VW bus.

i've never owned an Archos but I've always liked what they come out with. I agree SSD is the better way to go in anything mobile but I have a Creative ZEN Vision w/ a 30 GB HDD in it. I'm the second owner and I've used it heavily since 2007. In the car, mowing the lawn, on the elliptical, etc... the point is it's

I'm not on Google+ but my Facebook friends' posts have really dropped off recently... maybe social media is a fad.

wouldn't it be funny is it turned out that someone used an exacto-knife to make this and put on two used pull tabs?

all the space to the left and right are unused, good opportunity to make it usable.

that sucks, I use mine every day. Is it just a different usb cable or what? Opposed to using a standard iPhone usb cable? Can you elaborate a little?

rougher texture = better grip... got it, filed it under "duh"

I didn't even think about cloud computing, good point! I haven't really bought into this concept yet, probably because my 3G connected phone would be useless not to mention limited data plans. Cloud computing to me seems to have limited potential directly tied to connectivity and bandwidth which I'm sure will

"they envision us using a desktop during when you're in the office (or working at least). When you're just casually screwing around on the internet, you'll use a tablet device."

most cartoons are fast-paced. What bothers me more are the commercials, holy hell! I feel like I have ADD watching them, and during kids' shows they get worse.

Video still at the time of incident