I completely agree, not a good career choice.
I completely agree, not a good career choice.
18 hours a day?!?! For two years?!?! Sounds fishy but if he did he earned it.
Sounds like You-Tube shot on a camera phone.
I think he's talking about the same Dell I got back in 1999 when Dell was still pretty good, that was a solid computer and the customer service was decent. My parents have recently had one that broke 3 times under warranty, they were happy w/ the customer service they received but the computer was garbage.
Every flight I've been on it's just a few kids and me who are excited about the windows, I'm amazed by the views and stare the whole time, just simply amazed no matter how often I fly. It seems everyone else over the age of 20 doesn't care that you see your house from here.
ahhh, you beat me to it! they should play against each other for the title of "Most Beloved Leader"
I hate to jump into this but I enjoy a good religion vs. science debate and really love a religious citing science vs. popular scientific views debate. The fact that you can cite "scientists" who were cherry-picked for their passages at creationmuseum.org doesn't prove anything. Your faith proves it to you and that…
Voices on the street:
And since it's Seagate you'll need it. I have a 500 GB Seagate Go that was replaced twice under warranty in just over one year... so far. The only traveling it does is up and down 14 stairs from my computer to my TV.
" they're teaming-up to put a stop to this silly trend of being forced into buying expensive 3D glasses that only work with one manufacturer's 3DTV"
+1 That is an excellent idea!
This is great news! I just hope they do the old series justice. I'm optimistic it will be good, there's no better reference than the original Cosmos, I hope they continue the message.
I think what he means is that a "one size fits all" isn't going to fit perfectly on all heads, effectively making it the wrong size socket which is a good way to round off a head. IMO 12 point sockets should be avoided at all costs; another good way to make round heads. In both cases the contact area is smaller.
When that happened the earth and moon were still molten. Wouldn't that mean, with the moon being tidally locked, that the heavier materials would tend toward the near side with the lighter tending to the far side?
What about all the craters all over? I see where you're coming from but i don't see how the protection would be so much greater on the near side to make such a large difference in the composition.
7mm thick and 3GS-like curves sounds good to me and these specs sound believable. It's a rumor of a knockoff based on a rumor of a phone few have seen, take it w/ a grain of salt.
I'm still waiting for the Gizmodo electron microscope photo contest. It will give me a good reason to go out and buy some new "photography equipment".
waste of a .gif-of-the-day, the big rig wreck from yesterday was awesome. Would rather have seen Michael Jackson's car dance, I remember when they interrupted network television for that music video and how mad my mom was for them showing random acts of vandalism. Then Michael Jackson turned himself into a car... one…
My work phone is a Torch 9800 and it has a touchscreen on ATT, i've had it for 6 months now. I think they mean the torch 9860 is touch only and doesn't have the keyboard which I find useless because of my monster hands.