Dear Friend,
Dear Friend,
That's how I read it too.
my first reaction was "everything looks like a soap opera" but for some reason I really liked it and was fascinated with how everything moved differently, not bad, just different. Now I don't even see the difference anymore, even jumping from a CRT to a 120 hz LCD on a daily basis... maybe I should check the settings…
Isn't the butterfly effect just a crazy cartoon concoction by Rube Goldberg?
Why didn't PayPal hand over the IP's last year when this happened? I understand that the protest is very recent but why sit on this info for months?
I'm up to 2 packs of dogs a day and I just can't kick it, can I be part of the study group?
i own an iPhone.
I saw that too, intriguing. We want something else! We want something else!
about a month too late for PA, they're all just about gone now, at least in my area.
perfect. I've been reading this book to my son for months now, I loved it as a child. I never noticed Maryanne's question mark until now.
today, manufactures of products that are price driven with tight profit margins and in a competitive market (read: cheap crap) select components based on cost (duh) and warranty period (market driven). they estimate how much a typical will use the product, sometimes add a little fluff and calculate the expected…
ahh, I was wondering the same thing, I didn't think this was anything new. I guess it's just sort of new-ish.
in the article: "Hulu Plus members are unaffected"
No system is perfect, paper ballots can be "lost", dead people can vote, pets can be registered or Floridians named Chad hang on too long and don't get counted. No controlling entity(s) is completely unbiased and there will always be cheating in elections. My personal belief is that electronic voting will be the…
My wife and I are trying to teach our 10 month old (started at 6 months) some basic signs, he hasn't been able to use any yet but he's defiantly understanding them... when he chooses to. Family friends of ours have had great success which inspired us to try it.
The cantilevered design is an issue for morbidly obese people. The local hospital started installing struts on previously installed toilets to prevent them from being ripped out of the wall and all future toilets will be the old-fashioned pedestal kind. I don't see where the wall mount has been beefed up on this…
on the same note, can you up the dose and get super addicted? e-cigs sound like something to take the place of smoking by providing the equivalent experience, not necessarily to help you quit.
I love having the option to self-checkout. It is a judgement call to use it or not beyond just the 15 item limit which doesn't exist in my most frequented chain. I've noticed, at least the stores I shop, that they have become more efficient all around. They seem to scan better, at first they would barely scan, then…
I hated thermodynamics in school, thank you for reminding me of that awful awful class.
An Apple or Google or _insert tech company here_ branded network would be nice, probably run by a third party. It never crossed my mind but it sounds like a pretty logical next step after thinking about it for a few mins and how restrictive the tel-co's dinosaur policies are. I would bet on Google getting there…