Pink Eye of Horus

Even if it works there is no way a simple film will make it commercially. Samsung, Sony and the like are making too much money on the expensive new TV's they are selling now to let Joe consumer do this, they will squash it in one way or another. Video will have to be formatted correctly or converted to watch

I'm assuming you say the movie "moon", good movie. For those of you who haven't, watch "moon" it was made in 2009.

I don't think we have enough information to figure it out but theres no way they throw all 12,500 cores at one frame at a time. If you assume a single core takes 11.5 hours per frame then: 11.5 hrs/frame *151,200 frames / 12,500 cores = 139 hours = 5.8 days. That makes a little more sense.

very nice, thank you, I was wondering where the visual information was besides "it's a cap!".

Please replace bacon cartridge??? Damn you Denny's!

Wanted: Trailer hitch-mounted cup holder.

Should I be worried that my kids will look upon my MP3 collection as I once viewed my parents record collection? "Eeewww, 256kbs? I can't listen to this crap!"

The cigarettes were digitally removed in post production.

I use textie on my iPhone, it's a bit of a hassle but once you're set up w/ all your friends it's pretty seamless and free. The only issue being for it to be completly free your friends must text to your e-mail and not your phone #. I don't have a plan and I hate, HATE, getting texts that cost $0.20. I just don't

I think it's an aquired taste like coffee or beer. I used to hate artificial sweeteners (and coffee) until I forced myself out of regular soda a few years ago. My favorite swseetener is Splenda but it's hard to find soda made w/ it.

iOS 5 sounds nice but no iPhone 5, no sale. I'm trying to hold out but my 3G is out of contract and I want (may need) something new very soon. If Apple doesn't make w/ the new hardware they may loose 2 customers to Android (wife too). Not interested in the iPhone 4, I got the 3G when it was a year old and regret

"- Be able to attach a photo/video to an email after starting it instead of having to choose a photo/video first and then writing the email. We can do it with texts, why not with e-mails? "

you don't have to start a new thread. you can reply and copy & paste a picture (or multiple pictures) from camera roll into any e-mail, new or reply. It's a bit of a hassle because you have to exit mail, go to the photo, copy photo, go back to mail and paste.

My pet peeve is all the mini game info, especially when it spans top to bottom. I don't care how many points you got on Bejeweled, or that your favorite pet pig ran away from your farm, or that my 30 year-old friend just bought Hanna Montana's game for his PS3, etc...


I'm curious as to how the customer gets charged. Do you tether this to a bank or credit account? Does it show up on your phone bill like an app purchase, if so what's the limit?

If the 3D illusion is good enough won't it be hard or confusing to know at what depth your finger will touch the screen? Seems like this may be an issue for games or the UI or at least ruin the illusion in some cases. With the way 3D has been crammed down our throats w/ little afterthought the first few years of 3D

Internet Explorer 9, inspired by... Internet Explorer 9.

It doesn't sound so much like a stong embracing feet-off-the-ground bear-hug, more like a timid, limp-fingered, reluctant handshake. Still, good news is good news.

If Mr. Keller posted his twitter comment on Giz he would probably be de-starred and banned for a week.