Pink Eye of Horus

My mom is a teacher and was forced to use a smartboard for parent teacher conferences. I'm not sure what else she uses it for and I'm not exactly sure what it is. Am I right in thinking it's kind of like a cheap Microsoft Surface? She's not the most tech savy person I know by any means and when she said it was very

Not everyone believes in the big bang, i have a friend who believes in strict 7 day creationism, I'm not sure if it's the tenants of his religion or his own personal beliefs. Snap of fingers and everything appeared everywhere about 7,000 years ago and no sooner (not from a dot billions of years ago). There are

I just did a quick calculation on CFL savings because the 3-7 year payback seemed a little high and I noticed savings immediatly on my electric bill after converting almost all of my lights over. You need to burn a 60W equivalent 13W CFL bulb about 1000 hours to break even. At 1 hour use per day on average thats

ahhh, so that's why my father-in-law refuses to use CFL's saying "you'll have to call in a hazmat team to clean up your house when one breaks". He's big into fox news, etc...

Same here, the longer Apple holds off the better Andriod is looking to me.

I'm restoring a Beetle and I love camping, that's the first thing that crossed my mind.

Depends on the condition ;) if there's a tree growing through it she's probably right.

Yes, Manifold: Time, it was pretty good, the first of 3 in the Manifold series.

I like mine, it feels weird at first but you start to like it after a while. When my allergies act up it works pretty good usually in conjunction w/ some sort of antihistamine or decongestant.

my dad has a skeleton ash tray, it hasn't stopped him from smoking yet.

"Frank's two-thousand inch tee-veeeee.... everybody come and seeee...."

Yes, but now you have to buy 3 things to make it work: google tv, google phone & google games.

Roy Schneider was the only person who was able to communicate w/ dolphins. Sadly, relations w/ dolphins have deteriorated since his death.

less friends to facetime with?

I have the same issue. An on-demand water heater would work but you would need to install it near where you use it and probably isn't practical. There are residential models but the only ones I know about are intended to replace a conventional water heater and can't handle too much flow i.e. taking a shower and

A shower head made of legos??!! I'll take 7!

Duh! he's a pirate and only has one eye.

very nice, my regular scissors are taking a beating from opening bottles. They could have added a file easily as well, I often need one after cutting something like plastic or fingernails.

is Julian Assange really the guy we should turn to concerning the morality of distributing information? Maybe we should ask Bernie Madoff for some sound financial advice.

I've had 2 500GB seagate "go" portable drives go bad, 3rd one is still ok... all under warranty but now i have to back up my back-up drive.