Pink Eye of Horus

does it have to be hooked up to a TV to be 3d? or will all the playbook owners wake up one day to a blurry tablet?

I was wondering if Winona was going to make the list. I named my cordless drill Winona, my wife hates it.

2,000 years from now historians will look back on our pre 2012 culture and say exactly the same thing.

I recently got a Nikon 3100 (new baby, new camera) and I'm looking for a lens that takes good indoor, low natural light photos of said baby. The kit lens needs the flash a little too much. This sounds pretty much like what I was thinking I need. Sound about right? Or should I be looking for something different.

same here, i wear glasses and can't focus the camera well enough w/ my eyeball. It's kinda like being at the eye doctor: "OK, which is clearer? A?... B?... A? ... B?"

on my point and shoot i've tried this. 1, 2 or 3 layers looks ok but it does mess w/ the color tone, it mostly just makes the flash less harsh and makes people indoors look a little less like pale white cadavers. Anything more made everything too dark. I haven't tried it on my new DSLR and I don't think i'll have

You're still using a 3G? ahhahahahaha.... oh wait, me too. My contract just ran out and I'm debating switching to android or waiting for the i5 but no longer than that, I can't stand my 3G running os4.

I'm with you, my contract just ran out on my 3g. Last time I get the cheap $99 or $49 phone. the thing is SLOW. All-in-all it still works (mostly) just very frustrating when i'm still under contract and "updates" make my phone worse.

Oops, didn't see the sign, can't watch the video from work and can only see the small pic. I would probably park there if it looked like a house even w/ a little driveway or break in the curb. I would never imagine someone would go to that much trouble and expense let alone be required to. I wonder how much carbon

I vote #3.

How to you keep people from parking in front of it? If it looks like a regular house and all. Can they put a sign out front, paint the road, etc... or would that be considered "defacing" San Francisco as well?

wow, I wasn't trying to be a jerk, just trying to point out that similiar products get grouped together under the umbrella of the most recognized name. It goes for many products.

In Soviet space you don't dock space station, space station docks you.

I have a 3g, contract is up in 2 days and was going to hold out for the 5 this summer. I'm not so sure now and i'll certainly be researching android phones from now until it comes out. If i find something i like i'm not going to be able to wait... but i probably will anyway, but maybe not... oh, i just don't know!

Why not? Every mp3 player is now an iPod. Need a Kleenex?

ask AT&T why not. I don't think they would want all that data going across their band-aid patched network.

To me it sounds like desperation or simply accountants attempting to create a new market. The market will decide if this model lives or dies. The only way I can see this taking off is if they can release movies (including good movies) to your home at the same time or very shortly after the theaters get it. Anyone

What ad? I had to go back and look to see it was actually there. Im just glad Giz gets the $ to keep the articles flowing. I just ignore the the ads like I do on the TV and plastered all over the inside of stadiums and... HEY look! A blimp! Oh, man, blimps are so awesome! Just floating there and... oh... there's

"god particle" is just a catchy name for something that tries to explain why everything is way it is. I see it as a jab at religion because now it's the scientists believing in something that may or may not be there, but probably is, so they keep on searching for it.

If you have to explain a joke it's probably not that funny.