These numbers are for white Catholics, not white Catholic women. The men went for Trump, but the women went for Clinton 49%-38%, according to the best gender-separated polling I can find.
These numbers are for white Catholics, not white Catholic women. The men went for Trump, but the women went for Clinton 49%-38%, according to the best gender-separated polling I can find.
White college-educated women went Clinton over Trump 51%-44%, according to CNN’s exit polls.
I’m a Catholic woman who votes blue...nice to meet you. ^_^
I mean, yeah, white women kinda suck.....but it’s white MEN who are doing the most damage. Why do we never stop shoveling blame on women for what we should be holding men accountable for?
*And* trashed a hotel room around Kate Moss during a time when others were reporting that he was constantly jealous her speaking to other men in public. *And* his ex-wife and ex live-in partner didn’t say he’d never smashed or abused, just that he’d never physically hit them. Paradis was careful to specify he had…
And you know, it doesn’t need one. It’s okay to hire an’s not like they should never be able to support themselves again. It’s okay for Rowling and Yates to say something like, “We are very disturbed by what we saw on that video, but his behaviour in our professional setting has been appropriate and he has…
Either that or Depp was just sooooo charming and had such super-convincing stories about how his crazy ex manufactured all of it.....which I could *almost* forgive them for on everything but the video. Once they’ve seen him terrorizing her and smashing could they possibly defend him?
F***ing seriously. I am so fed up with “He seems so nice.” Of freaking course he does! How on earth do they think abusers snag us??
Wow. And I see from your other comment that he lives with his mom, which totally gives him standing to call someone else lazy and entitled.~
Wow. Wonder what that kid’s opinion is of classmates who make him/her mad? I suppose they’re all doing the right thing too?
“Wrong targets” she trying to say the victim mistook the identity of her rapist? The second article alludes to “overwhelming evidence” directly contradicting the claims, so maybe that’s the insider knowledge Dunham is referring to? If so, it seems like the smartest thing for the accused rapist would be to…
It still won’t get all of them, because so many of our abusers never even get the cops called on them, much less get tried and convicted. But it’s a good, strong start.
I thought you probably were, but I was afraid I hadn’t been clear in mine! That’s why I added in the next artist’s name in my response. Sorry about the misunderstanding!
Yeah, I totally believe that someone who “never put his hands on his wife before” pulled out and fired a gun during an argument.~ Fortunately for him, she’s not around to call him a liar.
Sure thing. Let me know when this artist solves systemic racism.
The people who get the concept of systemic racism are already on board and working against it, and the others just have new ammunition to scream “reverse racism”. Her stunt serves zero purpose except to irritate the fans of the artist playing after her (and probably that artist herself) and swell the ranks of the…
Well, clearly you’re representative of all show security everywhere, and the opinions of all the security personnel I’ve chatted with over the years carry no weight against yours.
But if you were the paying customer for Charlotte Day Wilson, don’t both you and Charlotte Day Wilson deserve to have you in the spot you camped out to secure instead of shoved back by an opening act you didn’t even care to see? This artist wasn’t just mistreating fans, she was mistreating the artist playing after her…
There was another act after her that night...I checked the schedule. This woman made a big show of “evolving humanity” while being completely thoughtless about the needs of the next act or the efforts put in by the crowd. Narcissistic is right.
I see. You’re just an awful person who believes it’s okay to elbow and shove people to get what you want. Fortunately for me, security usually gets rid of the people like you when they spot them.