
You are absolutely right. I guarantee she “stole his gun” to make it less convenient for him to shoot her. /beenthere

I opened this page to say pretty much exactly that.

But yet, so perfect, because you know they’re all Republicans....

Mississippi. It’s a constant struggle getting the rest of the country to not see us as a monolith of awfulness.

This is the thing. Some people are cheaters, and they’re going to find excuses no matter what. But a lot of affairs don’t start on purpose.. They start with friends or colleagues who slowly blur the lines until they can’t stand to be without each other. There’s a line between these all or nothing attitudes of most of

I wish I had internalized this before I got married. =(

I just don’t know people’s usernames well enough to know who’s a Poe and who’s not. >_>

Ah, yes, but a dildo is proof that she doesn’t *need* to submit to any MRAs to receive the gift that is their penis. The sort of person who feels entitled to sex and thwarted in such by feminism is directly threatened by the concept that a woman may prefer plastic to a penis attached to him. (And of course his

Reminds me of an anecdote: I once went into a McAlisters and ordered food with my mom and grandmother, and I asked if meat was in some appetizer we were talking about sharing. The girl behind the counter (16, maybe?) got really wide-eyed and asked if I was vegetarian. Then she said, “Are you allowed to give blood?”

No, no, no. They did a survey of people who claim to be vegetarians. Like the guy who told me the other day that he had just become vegetarian, but still ate ethically sourced meat. Or the other guy who said he’d been vegetarian for years....then told me how great the shrimp was there. Flexitarian, Pescatarian....if

Specifically, the problem is the power fantasy our culture cultivates around guns. There are responsible, reality-based gun owners out there, but they seem to be in the minority. Ask any of these people steaming up the comment threads...they always have a fantasy of how their gun will save them in any situation. They

Unfortunately, it may not help much at all. While we absolutely need to remove the stigma from mental illness and make treatment accessible and affordable (or even free), the particular pathologies that result in this kind of pain and destruction for the most part don’t belong to people who will seek out or

Summer can also literally kill you! In addition to heatstroke, it generates hurricanes and typhoons that can kill a bunch of people all at once. Fall is nice. Fall doesn’t want to hurt just wants to gift you with mass amounts of colorful leaves.....

YES. People who like being hot just don’t understand that for some of us it means nausea, vomiting, and fainting, no matter how much we try to stay hydrated. I don’t particularly like winter either, but at least I know I’ll stay conscious the whole day.

When it was greyed out, I totally thought this pic was Grandpa, Lily, and Herman Munster.

It bothers me to see people getting joy from hurting people, and from having their hurtful activities supported by others.

Panty Dropper is pretty rapey.

I’m with you guys on this....filing a lawsuit to get back things that were gifts and accusing her of multiple affairs...those things together make him seem like a controller. His allegations may be true, but if I were forced to bet money one way or the other, I’d bet they weren’t.

I’ve had someone arguing with me this morning about this interview, saying he’d feel partly responsible if he had hundred dollar bills sticking out of his pockets and got mugged, so he keeps them hidden. He seems to think that a longer skirt will conceal the fact we are in possession of a vagina....

We all need to feel in control of our own lives and destinies. That, coupled with the heavy undercurrent of victim-blaming we’ve all been socialized into, makes that reaction next to impossible to fight. :(