Thank you for displaying the logical prowess that typifies the anti-abortion movement.
Thank you for displaying the logical prowess that typifies the anti-abortion movement.
Very true, but the religions that put abortion and homosexuality at the top of the sin pedestal are the same ones invested in male superiority and dominance, and in absolving men of any responsibility. These religions cast women as gatekeepers and temptresses, and men as hapless victims.
Not assumptions, observations. From years spent in pro-life groups before I learned more and joined the other side.
These people have no respect for human life. If they did, they’d support aborting pregnancies that endangered the mother, but you’ll find that most of the people posting crap like this want women to carry to the absolute last possible moment while they pray for a miracle...then console themselves that it was “God’s…
So we’re just containers for what you actually care about. Thank you for clarifying, Dr. Carson.
I read somewhere that they weren’t hacked in retaliation for facilitating infidelity.... It was to punish the company for fraud. It’s been alleged that something like 80% or more of the female profiles were fake.
Relationships are hard, and so are breakups. That’s no excuse for breaking promises, lying to your partner, and denying them the opportunity to make informed decisions. If something’s not working, you can accept it for what it is, ask for a change, or exit. Exiting is hard, but an equal partnership demands consent…
His wife would probably consent to that. But he’s looking for the thrill of power that comes with cheating...denying his wife the agency to consent to his rule change, or exit the relationship.
I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that. =(
It doesn’t matter if a divorce isn’t desired. If you are about to violate the promise and commitment made to your partner, your partner deserves to know and decide what path they wish to take in response. You can’t force a partner to stay with you if you pursue sex outside the marriage any more than they can force you…
Exactly. This guy made a vow, and his wife deserves the opportunity to consent to his breaking of if, or remove herself from the relationship. Lying to her robs her of her agency and violates her trust.
Exactly. This isn’t even one of those “poor boundaries” stories....this guy is actively seeking to violate his wife’s trust and boundaries with zero remorse. The only people who will find themselves in his shoes one day are selfish assholes.
F*** this guy.
I just want to say you two are awesome and if all internet commenters were like y’all, the world would be a better place.
Definitely right....a person won’t understand until they’ve been there. :( Even with a super strong support structure, the drive to return to an abuser is hard to fight. The combination of those strong love and bonding chemicals with the emotional manipulation that abusers are so good’s not surprising, but…
He’s trying to get her married to someone who solves his problems with violence? That’s a recipe for lifetime happiness. =\
Even this has been done before.…
This article does a good job of summing it up for me:…
Either/or is fine. Single bunnies do okay if you give them plenty of attention when you're home and plenty of things to play with and pull hay out of when you're not. Pairs have company all the time, but occasionally don't bond as well with their humans because they already have a best friend. I have a single now,…