
Ivanka Trump is A.

You forgot....just existing.

We execute people for:

Have I listened to nothing but Taylor Swift on Spotify for the last week? Maybe...(Definitely)

They definitely say “sofa” or “divan” over “couch”.

La ragrets trumped?

So remember how ‘urban’ has been a dog whistle for ‘black’ for a really long time. And remember how people told us to take Trump seriously but not literally?

With his love of KFC, it won’t be long before Colonel Sanders takes charge of the army.

“the book?”

Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get

full stop, topic is now closed.

Single Prayer Healthcare.

Holly you don’t understand! It’s going to be a robust wall! Long and girthy! A wall that will cause all within the immediate vacinity to become weak in the knees! A wall that will leave you begging for more wall! Other walls won’t compare to this wall, this wall will ruin everyone for other walls and the next time

If nothing else, it’s nice to see a privileged white man face the same problems that working minorities Americans do... stuck in a job they hate, with a boss who treats them like shit, and no foreseeable way out.

Show me a 20-foot Bollard Wall, and I’ll STILL show you a person with a 21-foot ladder.

Side note:

My wish for Sean Spicer is that his job continues to be a source of frustration, humiliation, and shame for him.

I look forward to his next presentation at approximately 11:30pm EST on Saturday night.

You forgot the PERIOD.

...and the Breitbart reporter seems really disappointed that Trump’s beautiful wall isn’t the grand statement of American isolationism that he hoped it to be