
I also changed my Amazon Smile charity to PP. All those Christmas presents add up....

Women who are sick or in pain from being pregnant should just suck it up and be thankful that they are doing the thing they were built to do in this world. In particular, don’t mention any of the discomfort to anyone because it makes people feel uncomfortable to think about vaginas. If a woman has morning sickness,

Welp. Here we go. Time to find out if our democracy is really as resistant to demagoguery as we all believed.

I rather like this one.

We seriously need Reproductive Freedom buses chartered to take women to NYC clinics. We can call them Uter Scooters, maybe. UterBuses.

That’s great to know, I’m going to look them up and maybe make a donation.

as a resident of a close-ish state with a 24 week limitation (illinois), I’d be open to opening my home to any woman who chooses to have an abortion for any reason in Ohio

And if you need donations, let me know. You are truly doing the good work!

There’s a wonderful organization called the Midwest Access Coalition that does exactly what you outlined right there.

The Midwest Access Coalition helps people who need to obtain an abortion, but for whatever reason cannot get on in their home state, travel to Illinois to obtain medical care. Since Illinois is a

Same here. I’m in NY, and while we’re 24 weeks, clinics are plentiful and I have an extra bed. For cereal, ladies.

That is damned cool of you!

“Sanctity of life” until you are born, of course.

I guess Trump must be starting his interviews for the new head of FEMA.

I’ve been shocked that she’s been ignored by the Emmy’s the entire time this show has been on

We should all be pleased he’s set a precedent that we have to pay companies (that make millions, even billions in this case) a ransom to keep a handful of their jobs here in the US. Okay. How is this not corporate welfare? What happened to the crushing tariffs that would FORCE companies to stay that he promised

If a Democrat did this, it would be the most naked corruption since Duke Cunningham or ABSCAM.

I’ll keep a lookout for pigs with wings.

The first season was sort of decent, but after that it was so slow. Scene after scene of two people talking, with painstaking candor: Bill and Libby, Bill and Virginia, Virginia and Libby, rinse and repeat. So goddamn talky.