If Brad Pitt wants the public to ignore his divorce he should have Terrence Malick direct it.
It's really annoying that ever since I became a parent seeing a kid/baby get hurt or die renders me a complete mess
America: you have just two skittles to choose from, and one will DEFINITELY KILL YOU.
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”
Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.
Thank you all very much. I’ll now be off to party with my seestras!
Anyone interested in my conspiracy theory about the leads in this franchise? No? Great, I’ll share anyway. I think that if Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan treated one another with anything BUT absolute and utter loathing, they’d be twilighted, with everyone obsessing about their undying love and speculating about…
Mayers’ bathroom break strategy caught up to her once she took the job at Yahoo! as she immediately proceeded to shit all over it.
Email her heart in Curlz MT.
So this week, by tomorrow, we’ll have one cop fired for posting a video, and zero cops fired for shooting black men in scenarios escalated solely by the police involved.
Oh ffs. Ssssssh. This is an excellent use of taxes.
I’m so stoked that his baby will live.
He can go on a bedroom tour after he gets fired. WHY WONT SHONDA THINK OF US WHEN MAKING THESE DECISIONS!?
Um, excuse me, but Erin Miller is 1/36th Cherokee AND her Irish ancestors who came to America were, like, slaves and so she knows, okay. This isn’t about her. It’s about Jessie Williams spewing racist words against the police, who are now a race and not an occupation.
Shonda please heed this petition to fire Jesse Williams from Grey’s Anatomy and hire him into my bedroom kthx.
Starting a petition to get Jesse Williams to my house. FOR REASONS. (Sexy reasons!)
Oh, please. Avery is going to have the BEST story lines next season after this.
I think its more just male entitlement.
No pregnancy. There was a pullout. ;)
Cinemark offered them free movie passes instead.
jesus skateboarding christ....