
I hope huck doesn't do anything stupid against his wife.

Also, I would like to let y'all know that I stole a glass of my mom's Pinot and I have bagged popcorn and I am having a redneck Liv moment right now.

No no no no no. First of all, bonding is a tapestry and we can get away with a lot of imperfections (not saying Ferber is an imperfection). You know your child, you bond with her and give her reassurances a million times a day. Now, if you were leaving her in her crib to cry and pushing her hand away whenever she

You'd have to be pretty messed up in one way or another to willfully ignore an upset child, especially one you've promised to care for :(

Everything about this story makes me livid, starting with their wanting to separate a family because "Marsha and I always planned to have five children". These abominations would split up traumatized siblings because it didn't conveniently fit in to their plans. That should have absolutely been a red flag right from

The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically,

Arkansas wasn't already on your no-go list????

Right? This blows my mind. Meanwhile, in Maryland, the parents who let their kids walk to the park together are still battling social services over the right to let their kids ride bikes, etc, without constant supervision.

It should be called what it is: Traficking.

When you vote GOP, this is what you're voting for.


Why do I have the suspicion that he is going to be even more insufferable as a dad? He's going to try to be like this "every man" who can relate to the worker bees because he has a kid? And post abt his kid all the time while begging for privacy for her. Ugh.

I make my husband check the men's room first every single time. It's win-win, because I think it's important for men to be seen taking care of their babies in public, and I also don't really want to change the diaper.

Clover, I will never fucking forgive you for making me realize I agree with Ashton Kutcher on something.

How to make a proposal all about you 101

"Well, Mr. President I'm sorry that today isn't what you were expecting and I agree that History will almost certainly remember her as being the most important member of the Scooby Gang but Selma, sir, is the city in Alabama"

So we basically just watched A Very Special Episode of Scandal.

I mean, WHY are they called Samoas? It's like naming a cookie "Indonesias" or "Palaus." Is it supposed to be a pun, like "I want samoa [some more]"?

Campaign for GinAndTonic to be Ungreyed

Thanks for listening to commenters! I was the one that asked for a "What's up with..." on microbeads! I feel famous!